# The 7th Saga This is a static web site for viewing data for the SNES game [The 7th Saga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_7th_Saga). Stats are from the North American release. Data was taken from - [this GameFAQs guide](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/snes/563501-the-7th-saga/faqs/54038) - [tasvideos.org Game Resources](http://tasvideos.org/GameResources/SNES/7thSaga.html) View it online at https://7thsaga.tmont.com/. ## Stack Run `scripts/update-stack.sh` to update the stack. The stack creates a CloudFront distribution that uses an S3 bucket as its origin. It also creates DNS records for aliasing a custom domain to the CloudFront distribution. By default the stack is created in us-west-2. ## Deployment 1. Run server with `npm start` 2. Run `scripts/scrape.sh` (`wget` is required) 3. Run `scripts/deploy.sh`