a bunch of things
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "Take Fiveish"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2018 Tommy Montgomery"
global = {
\key a \minor
\time 5/4
\tempo 4 = 100
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\omit Voice.StringNumber
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
guitarOne = \relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 {
a8 a16 a e'8 c' a,16 a e'8 b'\glissando( a) g\glissando( a) |
a,8 a16 a e'8 c' a,16 a e'8 b'\glissando( a\glissando) e'\glissando( d) |
a,8 a16 a e'8 c' a,16 a e'8 b'\glissando( a) g\glissando( a) |
\alternative {
{ d, d16 d f8 g d16 d f8 g d16 d\glissando c'8\glissando( bf) | }
{ e,, e16 e g8 a e16 e g8 a e16 e c'8\glissando( b) | }
\time 4/4
f8 f16 f a8 c a16 a c8 f c16 c | f8 a f16 f a8 c( b) a( b) |
e,,8 e16 e g8 b g16 g b8 e b16 b | e8 g e16 e g8 b( a) g( a) |
a,8 a16 a c8 e c16 c e8 a e16 e | a8 c a16 a c8 e( d) c( d) |
guitarOneStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" }{ \global \guitarOne }
\score {
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
\override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Glissando.thickness = #2
\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\score {
\unfoldRepeats {
\transpose c c, \guitarOneStaff
\midi {}
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "Cut Away"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2018 Tommy Montgomery"
global = {
\key g \minor
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\omit Voice.StringNumber
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
\time 7/8
\tempo 4 = 152
\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'(
(end .
((1 . 16) . (4 4 6))
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(4 3)
guitarOne = \relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 {
<g c g'>8-> q q q q q-> q |
q q q-> q q q-> q |
q q-> q q q-> q q |
q q q q q-> q q |
q q q-> q q-> q q |
q-> q q-> q q q-> q |
q-> q q-> q q-> q q |
q q q q q q q |
\repeat volta 2 {
\repeat unfold 4 { ef''16 ef c c d8 g, bf a g | }
\repeat unfold 4 { d'16 d bf bf c8 fs, a g fs | }
\repeat volta 2 {
\repeat unfold 2 { g, d' g bf c( bf) g | }
\repeat unfold 2 { fs, d' fs a bf( a) fs | }
\repeat unfold 2 { c g' c d ef( d) c | }
\repeat unfold 2 { b, g' b d f( d) b | }
\repeat unfold 2 { bf,! f' c' d ef( d) c | }
a, f' c' d ef( d) c |
a, fs' c' d f!( ef) d |
<g,, c g'>8-> q q q-> q q q-> |
q q q-> q q q-> q |
q q-> q q q-> q q |
<g d' g>4 q q q8 |
\bar "||"
\repeat unfold 4 { ef'8 c d g, bf a g | }
\repeat unfold 4 { d'8 bf c fs, a g fs | }
\repeat unfold 2 { c'8 g d' g, ef' g, d' | }
\repeat unfold 2 { c8 fs, d' fs, ef' fs, d' | }
c f,! g af g f af |
g b c b d c b |
<bf! f' bf!>4. <bf f' bf>8 ~ q q4 |
<a f' c'>8 a16 a a a <a fs' c' ef>8 ~ q q4 |
\repeat unfold 2 { bf'8 g a d, f e d | }
\repeat unfold 2 { bf'8 g a cs, e d cs | }
\repeat unfold 2 { bf'8 g a c, e d c | }
\repeat unfold 2 { <a f' c'>8[ a16 a a a] <a f' c'>8[ a16 a] <a f' c'>8[ a16 a] | }
<a gf' c>8[ a16 a a a] <a gf' c>8[ a16 a] <a gf' c>4
a8 c ef c gf' f ef \bar "||" |
\key bf \minor
<bf f' bf>2.. | <gf df' gf> |
<af df af'> | <f c' f>2 bf8 g4 |
<af ef' af>2.. | q |
<bf f' bf>4. q8 ~ q8 q4 |
q2.. |
\repeat unfold 4 { gf''16 gf ef ef f8 bf, df c bf | }
\bar "||"
\repeat unfold 4 { gf16 gf ef ef f8 bf, df c bf | }
\repeat unfold 4 { f'16 f df df ef8 a, c bf a | }
\repeat unfold 2 { <bf ef>8 bf16 bf <bf f'>8 bf16 bf << { gf'8[\glissando( f)] } \\ { bf,4 } >> bf16 bf | }
\repeat unfold 2 { <a ef'>8 a16 a <a f'>8 a16 a << { gf'8[\glissando( f)] } \\ { a,4 } >> a16 a | }
af!8 bf cf af bf cf4 |
bf8 f'8 bf d16( ef) << { f4. } \\ { d } >> |
<df,! af'>4. <df gf>8 ~ q <df f>4 |
<c gf' af c>8[ c16 c c c] <c fs a c>8[ c16 c] <c fs a c>4 |
\key g \minor
R2..*10^"Gm riff" |
\key bf \minor
R2..*8^"Chorus" |
\key ef \minor
<bf ef bf'>2.. | <cf gf' cf> |
<gf df' gf> | <af ef' af>4. af8 bf cf4 |
<bf ef bf'>2.. | <gf df' gf> |
<bf f' bf> | q |
\repeat unfold 2 { gf''16 gf ef ef f8 bf, df c bf | }
\repeat unfold 2 { gf'16 gf ef ef f8 bf, df cf bf | }
\bar "||"
bf'2 ~ bf8 cf16( bf af8) |
bf2 ~ bf8 cf16( bf af8) |
bf2. bf8 |
ef gf, f' f, gf' ef, \ottava #1 bf'' |
\grace bf8( cf2) cf4. |
bf2 g16 af bf8 ef, |
d16 ef f cf bf4 ~ bf8 cf16( bf af8) |
bf4 \tuplet 3/2 4 { f8 af cf d[ f af] } cf16( bf) |
af2. ef8 |
af cf, bf' bf, cf' af, bf' |
\grace bf8( cf2) cf4. |
bf2. \ottava #0 gf16( af) |
af8 df,4 \grace ef8( ff8) ~ ff4. |
ff4. ff8 ~ ff8( ef8 df) |
cf2 ~ cf8 df?4 |
<< { bf2.. } \\ { bf,,8 f' bf f c' f, d' } >> |
\bar "||"
ef,8^"Interlude" bf ef f gf f ef |
f bf, d ef f ef d |
ef bf ef f gf f ef |
f bf, d f af gf f |
gf ef gf bf gf bf ef |
bf ef gf ef gf bf gf |
ef bf ef f gf f ef |
f bf, d ef f ef d |
ef ef, af bf cf bf af |
bf cf, ef f gf af bf |
af ef af bf cf bf af |
bf bf, f' bf d ef f |
gf df! gf af bf af gf |
af df, f gf af gf f |
gf bff, df gf af bff cf |
cs d, es gs b d es |
\key fs \minor
fs, cs fs gs a gs fs |
gs cs, es fs gs fs es |
fs cs fs gs a gs fs |
gs cs, es gs b a gs |
a e a b c b a |
b e, gs a b a gs |
a e a b c b a |
b e, gs b d c b |
\key c \minor
c g c ef g( ef) c |
af'( f) c af f c f |
ef g bf g ef' bf g |
af, c ef af c d ef |
f( d) b f b d f |
af( f) d b c d ef |
d4:16 b: af: g8: ~ |
g: f4: ef8: ~ ef: d4: |
\bar "||"
\key g \minor
\repeat unfold 4 { ef16 ef c c d8 g, bf a g | }
\repeat unfold 3 { <g, c>8 g g <g d'> g <g ef'> g | }
<g f'>8 g g <g ef'> g <g d'> g |
\repeat unfold 3 { <fs ef'>8 fs fs <fs d'> fs <fs c'> fs | }
<fs bf>8 fs fs <fs c'> fs <fs d'> fs |
<g c g'>2.. |
<g c g' c ef g> |
<fs d'> |
<fs d' fs a d fs> |
<f! c'>8 <f c'> q q q q q |
<g d'> q q q q q q |
<bf f' bf c f>2.. |
<a f' c' ef>2 <a fs' c' d>4. |
\key g \minor
\repeat unfold 2 { <d bf'>8 q q q q q q | }
\repeat unfold 2 { <cs bf'>8 q q q q q q | }
<c! bf'>8 <c bf'> q q q q q |
<c bf'>8 q q q q q q |
\repeat unfold 2 { <c a'>8 q q q q q q | }
<a gf' c>8 a16 a a a <a gf' c>8 a16 a <a gf' c>4 |
a8 c ef c gf' f ef |
\key bf \minor
R2..*8^"Chorus" |
\key ef \minor
R2..*8 |
\repeat unfold 4 { gf'16 gf ef ef f8 bf, df c bf | }
\bar "||"
\key bf \minor
\repeat unfold 4 { gf8 ef f bf, df c bf }
\repeat unfold 4 { f' df ef a, c bf a }
\repeat unfold 2 {
\repeat unfold 2 { bf f' bf df ef( df) bf | }
\repeat unfold 2 { a, f' a c df( c) a | }
\repeat unfold 2 { ef bf' ef f gf( f) ef | }
\repeat unfold 2 { d, bf' d f af( f) d | }
\repeat unfold 2 { df, af' ef' f gf( f) ef | }
c, af' ef' f gf( f) ef |
c, a' ef' f af? gf f |
\repeat unfold 4 { gf16 gf ef ef f8 bf, df c bf | }
\repeat unfold 3 { gf16 gf ef ef f8 bf, df c bf | }
gf'16 gf ef ef f8 bf, df c-. r |
\bar "|."
vocalMelody = \relative c'' {
\repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 8 r2.. }
\repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 8 r2.. }
\repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 4 r2.. }
\repeat unfold 8 { r2.. | }
\repeat unfold 4 { r2.. | }
% verse 1
c4.^"Verse 1" d8 ~ d ef4 |
c4. d8 ~ d ef4 |
c4. d8 ~ d ef4 |
c2 r4 r8 |
a4. bf8 ~ bf c4 |
a4. bf8 ~ bf c4 |
d4. ef8 ~ ef d4 |
d4 r8 c ~ c c4 |
f?4. ef8 ~ ef d4 |
c4. g8 ~ g g4 |
d'4. d8 ~ d ef4 |
d2 r4. |
c4 c8 d ~ d c4 |
b4. r8 r b8 b |
bf!4 bf8 c ~ c d4 |
ef4.( d8 ~ d4) r8 |
r2 bf8 bf4 |
bf4. c8 ~ c d4 |
cs4 r8 a8 ~ a a4 |
a4. b8 ~ b cs4 |
c!4. r8 r4. |
c4 c8 d ~ d c4 |
c4. d8 ~ d ef4 |
f4 f8 gf ~ gf f4 |
f2 r4. |
R2..*1 |
\key bf \minor
f2^"Chorus" ~ f8 ef4 | f2 r4. | f2 f8 f4 | ef8( df c4 ~ c8) r4 |
ef2 ~ ef8 ef4 | cf8( bf) af4 ~ af8 r8 af |
bf2 ~ bf8 c!4 | d2 r4. |
R2..*4 |
ef4.^"Verse 2" f8( ~ f gf4) |
ef4. f8 ~ f gf4 |
ef4. f8 ~ f gf4 |
ef2 r8 ef4 |
c4. df8 ~ df ef4 |
c4. df8( ~ df ef4) |
f4. gf8 ~ gf f4 |
f4 r8 ef8 ~ ef ef4 |
af?4. gf8 ~ gf f4 |
ef4. bf8 ~ bf bf4 |
f'4 f8 gf8 ~ gf f4 |
f2 r8 f4 |
ef4. f8 ~ f ef4 |
d2 r8 d4 |
df!4. ef8 ~ ef f4 |
gf2. r8 |
\key g \minor
r2 bf,8 bf4 |
bf4. c8 ~ c d4 |
cs2 r8 a4 |
a4. b8 ~ b cs4 |
c!2 r4. |
c4. d8 ~ d c4 |
c2 r8 ef4 |
f4. gf8 ~ gf f4 |
f2 r4. |
R2..*1 |
\key bf \minor
R2..*8 |
\key ef \minor
ef2 ~ ef8 df4 |
ef2 r8 ef4 |
df2 df8 ef4 |
ff8( ef df4 ~ df8) r4 |
ef2 ~ ef8 df4 |
ef8( df) df4 r8 df4 |
d2 ~ d8 ef4 |
f2. r8 |
R2..*4 |
% solo
R2..*16 |
% interlude
R2..*16 |
\key fs \minor
R2..*8 |
\key c \minor
R2..*8 |
\key g \minor
R2..*4 |
% verse 3
c4.^"Verse 3" d8 ~ d ef4 |
c4. d8 ~ d ef4 |
c4. d8 ~ d ef4 |
c2 r4 r8 |
a4. bf8 ~ bf c4 |
a4. bf8 ~ bf c4 |
d4. ef8 ~ ef d4 |
d4 r8 c ~ c c4 |
f?4. ef8 ~ ef d4 |
c2 r8 g4 |
d'4. ef8 ~ ef d4 |
d2 r8 d4 |
c4. d8 ~ d c4 |
b4. r8 b8 b4 |
bf!4. c8 ~ c d4 |
ef4.( f16 ef d4) r8 |
\key g \minor
r2 bf8 bf4 |
bf4. c8 ~ c d4 |
cs2 r8 a4 |
a4. b8 ~ b cs4 |
c!2 r8 c4 |
c4. d8 ~ d c4 |
c2 r8 ef4 |
f4 f8 gf8 ~ gf f4 |
f2 r4. |
R2..*1 |
\key bf \minor
R2..*8^"Chorus" |
\key ef \minor
R2..*8 |
R2..*4 |
% outro
\key bf \minor
R2..*8 |
<bf, df f>2..^"Outro" |
q |
<a df f> |
<a c ef> |
<bf c gf'> |
<bf df f> |
<a df gf> |
<a c f> |
<bf ef gf> |
<bf ef f> |
<af bf ef> |
<af bf d> |
<f af ef'> |
<f af df> |
<af c gf'> |
<a c f> |
<bf bf ef> |
R2..*7 |
allTheLyrics = \lyricmode {
% verse 1
Time pass -- es by in __ the blink of __ an eye.
How can __ we know what __ is wrong or __ what's right?
These __ co -- coons where __ we sleep
and __ the webs that __ we keep
will be -- tray __ us all
when __ the rain be -- gins to fall. __
But it's so hard __ to know
when __ our life -- lines __ will grow.
All our trust __ e -- rodes
with __ the riv -- er's ebb __ and flow.
% chorus 1
Take __ my hand,
lead me a -- way. __
Cut __ me o -- pen __
I need __ to bleed.
Time stands __ still in __ the ab -- sence __ of will
like moss co -- vered stones be -- com -- ing the hill.
If __ our will can -- not break
all __ the sticks and stones __ we make,
be -- reft of __ our mind
we'll al -- ways __ be blind.
But it's so hard __ to know
when we can __ let go.
Sink -- ing __ so slow
yet try -- ing __ to grow.
% extended chorus
Take __ my pain
and throw it a -- way. __
Cut __ me o -- pen __
and set __ me free.
% verse 3
Time pass -- es by un -- der our watch -- ful eye.
Na -- ked to all who __ can see through __ the lie.
But __ these wounds can -- not heal
un -- til they __ are real.
They're call -- ing __ our bluff
and it's ne -- ver __ e -- nough. __
But it's so hard __ to know
how long it will go.
This stone I'll __ not throw,
it's dragg -- ing me __ be -- low.
% outro
And so I go,
try -- ing to grow.
Sink -- ing so slow
with my ebb and flow.
guitarOneStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" }{ \global \guitarOne }
vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" } {
\new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody }
demLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" {
\new Lyrics {
\set associatedVoice = "vocalMelody"
chordExceptionMusic = {
<c e g b d'>1-\markup { "maj9" }
<c e g b fs'>1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" }
<c ef f g bf>1-\markup { "m7sus4" }
<c ef gf bff>1-\markup { \super "°7" }
<c e g d'>1-\markup { "add9" }
<c ef g d'>1-\markup { "m(add9)" }
<c e fs as>1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } }
<c g>1-\markup { "5" }
<c e g b>1-\markup { "maj7" }
<c f g>1-\markup { "sus4" }
<c d g>1-\markup { "sus2" }
chordExceptions = #(append
(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t)
chordValues = \chordmode {
\set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
\set majorSevenSymbol = \markup "maj7"
\repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 8 c2..:1.5 }
\repeat volta 2 {
\repeat unfold 4 c:m/g |
\repeat unfold 4 d:7/fs |
\repeat volta 2 { g:m | q | d:7/fs | q | }
c:m | q | g:7/b | q |
bf: | q | f:7/a | d:7/a |
c:1.5 | q | q | g:1.5 |
% verse 1
c:m/g | q | q | q |
d:7/fs | q | q | q |
c:m/g | q | d:7/fs | q |
f:m | g | bf | f4.:7/a d2: |
g2..:m | q | a: | q |
c:7 | q | f:7/a | q |
f: | q |
bf:m | gf | df | f:m |
af | af:m | bf:sus4 | bf |
ef:m/bf | q | q | q |
% verse 2
q | q | q | q |
f:7/a | q | q | q |
ef:m/bf | q | f:7/a | q |
af:m | bf | df | af4.:7/c a2:1.3-.5-.7-/c |
g2..:m | q | a: | q |
c:7 | q | f:7/a | q |
f: | q |
R2..*8 |
ef2..:m | cf | gf | af:m |
ef:m | gf | bf | bf |
\repeat unfold 4 ef:m
\repeat unfold 4 { ef:1.3-.5.6- | }
\repeat unfold 4 { bf: | }
af:m | q | gf | gf |
gf:7/ff | q | bf: | bf |
ef:m | bf | ef:m | bf:7 |
ef:m | q | q | bf |
af:m | cf:maj7 | af:m | bf |
gf | df | gf:m | cs: |
fs:m | cs | fs:m | cs:7 |
a:m | e | a:m | e:7 |
c:m | f:m | ef | af |
f:dim7 | q | g: | q |
c:m | q | q | q |
q | q | q | q |
d:7/fs | q | q | q |
c:m | q | d:/fs | q |
f:m | g:7 | bf:sus2 | f2:7/a d4.:7/a |
g2..:m | q | a: | q |
c:7 | q | f:7/c | q |
a:dim7 | q |
R2..*16 |
ef2..:m | q | q | q |
q | q | q | q |
f:7/a | q | q | q |
bf:m | q | f:7/a | q |
bf:m | q | f:7/a | q |
ef:m | q | bf:7/d | q |
df | df | af:7/c |f: |
ef:m |
chordNames = \new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
\score {
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
\override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Glissando.thickness = #2
\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\score {
\unfoldRepeats {
\transpose c c, \vox
\transpose c c, \guitarOneStaff
\midi {}
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album2/ebb-and-flow/Ebb and Flow.lrc
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
[ar:Tommy Montgomery]
[al:Nowhere Concave]
[ti:Ebb and Flow]
[01:15.00]Time passes by in the blink of an eye
[01:21:00]How can we know what is wrong or what's right
[01:26:00]These cocoons where we sleep
[01:29:00]And the webs that we keep
[01:33:00]Will betray us all
[01:35:00]When the rain beings to fall
[01:39:00]But it's so hard to know
[01:42:00]When our lifelines will grow
[01:46:00]All our trust erodes
[01:48:00]In the river's ebb and flow
[01:53:00]Take my hand
[01:56:00]Lead me away
[01:59:00]Cut me open
[02:02:00]I need to bleed
[02:10:00]Time stands still in the absence of will
[02:16:00]Like moss-covered stones becoming the hill
[02:21:00]If our will cannot break
[02:24:00]All the sticks and stones we make
[02:27:00]Bereft of our mind
[02:30:00]We'll always be blind
[02:34:00]But it's so hard to know
[02:37:00]When we can let go
[02:40:00]Sinking so slow
[02:43:00]Yet trying to grow
[02:47:00]Take my hand
[02:50:00]Lead me away
[02:53:00]Cut me open
[02:56:00]I need to bleed
[02:59:00]Take my pain
[03:02:00]And throw it away
[03:05:00]Cut me open
[03:08:00]And set me free
[04:31:00]Time passes by under our watchful eye
[04:37:00]Naked to all who can see through the lie
[04:42:00]But these wounds cannot heal
[04:46:00]Until they are real
[04:49:00]They're calling our bluff
[04:51:00]And it's never enough
[04:55:00]But it's so hard to know
[04:58:00]How long it will go
[05:01:00]This stone I'll not throw
[05:04:00]It's dragging me below
[05:10:00]Take my hand
[05:13:00]Lead me away
[05:16:00]Cut me open
[05:19:00]I need to bleed
[05:22:00]Take my pain
[05:24:00]And throw it away
[05:27:00]Cut me open
[05:30:00]And set me free
[05:50:00]And so I go
[05:56:00]Trying to grow
[06:02:00]Sinking so slow
[06:08:00]With my ebb and flow
Normal file
Normal file
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Load Diff
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@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "Wut"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2018 Tommy Montgomery"
global = {
\key d \dorian
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\omit Voice.StringNumber
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 69
sevenSixteen = {
\time 7/16
\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'(
(end .
((1 . 16) . (4 3))
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(4 3)
guitarOne = \relative c {
<d c' d a' d>1\arpeggio\laissezVibrer |
<g' c f>8. <g c e>16 ~ q8 <g b d> ~ q g16 g << { <g d'>4 } \\ { c16( b8.) } >> |
<f bf c f>8. <f a c f>16 ~ q8 <f g c f> ~ q16 <e g c e>8. <d, a' d a' d>4 ~ |
q1\laissezVibrer |
\repeat volta 2 {
d16 c'32 c d16 c d c g d ~ d c'32 c d16 c d c g f |
d16 c'32 c d16 c d c g d ~ d c'32 c d16 c d c g f |
\repeat volta 2 {
d'''8. g,16 ~ g8 b8 ~ b4 b16( c b) g |
d'8. g,16 ~ g8 f8 ~ f4 e16( f32 e) d16 c |
d'8. g,16 ~ g8 b8 ~ b4 b16( c b) g |
} \\
d,,8 c'16 d, c'( d c) b ~ b d, b' d, b'( c b) g |
d8 c'16 d, c'( d c) b ~ b d, f d f g f e |
d8 c'16 d, c'( d c) b ~ b d, b' d, b'( c b) g |
\alternative {
{ f''8. e16 ~ e8 c ~ c4 c16( d) g( a) | } \\
{ d,,,8 c'16 d, c'( d) d, f ~ f d f d f( g) c( d) | }
{ f'8. e16 ~ e8 c ~ c8 g16 a c16 d32 f g16\glissando( a) | } \\
{ d,,,8 c'16 d, c'( d) d, f ~ f g c d f g32\glissando( a) c16 d | }
\key d \mixolydian
\repeat volta 2 {
<d, a' d fs>8. q16 ~ q8 q ~ q4. q16 q |
q8. <d a' d e>16 ~ q8 <d a' d g> ~ q2 |
{ f16 g d' e, g d' c, d g b, d g f, c' e, c' | } \\
{ f8. e16 ~ e8 c ~ c16 b8. f8 e | }
>> |
\alternative {
{ d16 d' a'( g) fs( d) e f a c g' f,\glissando( g) d' e8 } | \\
{ <d,, a'>2 c'8. d16 ~ d f, g8 | }
{ ef16 c' f g ~ g f8 c16 f, c' g' g, d' g bf8 } \\
{ <ef,, c'>2 <f c'>8. <g d'>16 ~ q8 <e c'> }
\key d \dorian
\repeat volta 2 {
d16 c'32 c d16 c d c g d ~ d c'32 c d16 c d c g f |
d16 c'32 c d16 c d c g d ~ d c'32 c d16 c d c g f |
\repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 2 { d'16 a' c e d b g | } }
\repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 2 { f a c e d b g | } }
\time 9/8 bf d f c e g c, f a d, g b e, g c g b d |
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(4 3)
\ottava #1 a c e g fs( e) d |
c e g c b( a) g |
\time 4/4
{ a1 \ottava #0 | } \\
{ d,,,16 c'32 c d16 c d c a d, ~ d c'32 c d16 c d c a f | }
>> |
d,16 c'32 c d16 c d c af d, ~ d c'32 c d16 c d c af f |
d16 c'32 c d16 c d c g d ~ d c'32 c d16 c d c g f |
<d a'>8. <e b'>16 ~ q8 <f c'> ~ q16 <g d'>8. <f c'>8 <e b'> |
\bar "||"
\key d \mixolydian
<d a'>16^"Riff A" q r <d a'> q r <d a'> q r <d a'> q r <d a'> q r8 |
<d a'>16 q r <d a'> q r <d a'> <f c'>( <g d'>) d << { g'( fs? ~ fs) g8. } \\ { d8 d,16 b'16\glissando( c8) } >> |
<d, a'>16 q r <d a'> q r <d a'> q r <d a'> q r <d a'> q r8 |
<d a'>16 q r <d a'> q r <d a'> <g d'>( <af ef'>) <d, a'> <f c'>( <g d'>) d <a''? d>8. |
R1*8^"w/ Riff A"
<f, c'>8. <g d'>16 ~ q8 <af ef'> ~ q2 |
<f c'>8. <g d'>16 ~ q8 <af ef'> ~ q8 <g d'> <af ef'> <bf f'> |
<c g'>8. <d a'>16 ~ q8 <ef bf'> ~ q2 |
<c g'>8. <d a'>16 ~ q8 <ef bf'> ~ q8 d16 ef f g af bf |
\time 6/8
\key af \major
<af, ef' af ef' af>8 q16 q q q <af ef' af ef' g>8. <af ef' af ef' af> |
<bf f' bf f'>8 q16 q q q ef'8( f32 ef) d8. |
<f af>8. <ef g> <df f> <c ef> |
<bf, f' bf df>16 q32 q q16 q q q <gf df' af'>16. q32 q16 gf'16( af\glissando bf) |
vocalMelody = \relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 4 r1 |
\repeat volta 2 { r1 | r1 }
\repeat volta 2 { r1 | r1 | r1 } \alternative { { r1 } { r1 } }
\repeat volta 2 { r1 | r1 | r1 } \alternative { { r1 } { r1 } }
\repeat volta 2 { r1 | r1 }
\repeat volta 2 { r4 r8. | r4 r8. }
\repeat volta 2 { r4 r8. | r4 r8. }
\time 9/8 r4. r4. r4. |
\sevenSixteen r4 r8. | r4 r8. |
\time 4/4
\repeat unfold 4 r1 |
\key d \mixolydian
\repeat unfold 4 r1 |
% verse 1
<g c>16( <a d>8. ~ q4 ~ q8) q16 q ~ q q8 q16( |
<g c>4) r4 r2 |
<g c>16( <a d>8. ~ q8) q16 q ~ q q8 q16 ~ q q8 q16( |
<g c>4) r4 r2 |
<g c>16( <a d>8. ~ q4 ~ q8) q16 q ~ q q8 q16( |
<g c>4) r4 r2 |
<g c>16( <a d>8. ~ q8) q16 q ~ q q8 q16 ~ q q8 q16( |
<g c>4) r4 r2 |
allTheLyrics = \lyricmode {
I __ am not __ the one. __
I __ am not __ your smo -- king gun. __
I __ am not __ yet done. __
I __ am not __ your ri -- sing Sun. __
guitarOneStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" }{ \global \guitarOne }
vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" } {
\new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody }
demLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" {
\new Lyrics {
\set associatedVoice = "vocalMelody"
chordExceptionMusic = {
<c e g b d'>1-\markup { "maj9" }
<c e g b fs'>1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" }
<c ef f g bf>1-\markup { "m7sus4" }
<c ef gf bff>1-\markup { \super "°7" }
<c e g d'>1-\markup { "add9" }
<c ef g d'>1-\markup { "m(add9)" }
<c e fs as>1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } }
<c g>1-\markup { "5" }
<c e g b>1-\markup { "maj7" }
<c f g>1-\markup { "sus4" }
<c d g>1-\markup { "sus2" }
chordExceptions = #(append
(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t)
chordValues = \chordmode {
\set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
\set majorSevenSymbol = \markup "maj7"
chordNames = \new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
\score {
% \chordNames
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
\override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Glissando.thickness = #2
\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\score {
\unfoldRepeats {
\transpose c c, \vox
\transpose c c, \guitarOneStaff
\midi {}
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"
globalWaterfall = {
\key bf \minor
\time 4/4
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\omit Voice.StringNumber
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
\parallelMusic #'(waterfallR waterfallL) {
\tempo "Allegro" 4 = 144
\globalWaterfall \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP r16 c, f bf \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "waterfallR" df c f bf df c f bf \ottava #1 df c f bf |
\globalWaterfall <bf, bf'>1 ~ |
df16 bf f c \ottava #0 df bf f c df bf f c df \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP bf f c |
q1 |
r16 f bf \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "waterfallR" ef g f bf ef g f bf ef \ottava #1 g f bf ef |
<ef ef'>1 ~ |
g16 ef bf f \ottava #0 g ef bf f g ef bf f g ef \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP bf f |
q1 |
r16 c f bf \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "waterfallR" df c f bf df c f bf \ottava #1 df c f bf |
<bf bf'>1 ~ |
df16 bf f c \ottava #0 df bf f c df bf f c df \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP bf f c |
q1 |
r16 f bf \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "waterfallR" ef g f bf ef g f bf ef \ottava #1 g f bf ef |
<ef ef'>1 ~ |
g16 ef bf f \ottava #0 g ef bf f g ef bf f g ef \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP bf f |
q1 |
r16 f bf \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "waterfallR" ef gf! f bf ef gf! f bf ef \ottava #1 gf! f bf ef |
<gf, gf'>1 ~ |
gf16 ef bf f \ottava #0 gf ef bf f gf ef bf f gf ef \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP bf f |
q1 |
r16 df af' df \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "waterfallR" ef df af' df ef df af' df \ottava #1 ef df af' df |
<af af'>1 ~ |
ef16 c af c, \ottava #0 ef c af c, ef c af c, ef c \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP af c, |
q1 |
r16 c f bf \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "waterfallR" df c f bf df c f bf \ottava #1 df c f bf |
<bf bf'>1 ~ |
df16 bf f c \ottava #0 df bf f c df bf f c df \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP bf f c |
q1 |
r16 c gf' a \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "waterfallR" ef' c gf' a ef' c gf' a \ottava#1 ef' c gf' a |
<f f'>1 ~ |
ef'16 a, gf c, \ottava #0 ef a, gf c, ef a, gf c, ef \change Staff = "waterfallL" \override Stem #'direction = #UP a, gf c, \bar ":|." |
q1 \bar ":|." |
s1 |
<bf, bf' bf'>1\fermata \bar "|." |
waterfallStaff = \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "waterfallR" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} \relative c' \waterfallR
\new Staff ="waterfallL" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} { \clef bass \relative c \waterfallL }
globalSecond = {
\key bf \minor
\time 7/8
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\omit Voice.StringNumber
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(3 2 2)
\parallelMusic #'(secondR secondL) {
\tempo "Vivace" 4 = 160
\globalSecond bf'8 f bf c f, df' f, |
\globalSecond bf f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf f' df' f, df f f, |
ef' f, ef' df f, c' f, \bar ":|." |
c' a' c bf a f ef |
bf gf bf c gf df' gf, |
gf, df' gf af! bf gf df |
ef' af, ef df' af c4 |
af8 ef' af bf c <af ef'>4 |
\grace { f,,16 gf af } bf8 f bf c f, af f |
\clef bass bf,, f' df' f, df f f, |
bf f bf c f, af f |
bf f' df' f, df f f, |
bf gf bf c gf df' gf, |
gf df' gf af bf gf df |
ef' af, ef df' af c4 |
af8 ef' af bf c <af ef'>4 |
\clef bass \grace { f,,16 gf af } bf8 f bf c f, af f |
<bf,, bf'>4. <c c'>4 <df df'> |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
<bf bf'>4. <c c'>4 <df df'> |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf'8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
\bar ".|:" bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf, f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf f' df' f, df f f, |
ef' f, ef' df f, c' f, \bar ":|." |
c' a' c bf a f ef |
bf gf bf c gf df' gf, |
gf, df' gf af! bf gf df |
ef' af, ef df' af c4 |
af8 ef' af bf c <af ef'>4 |
\grace { f,16 gf af } bf8 f bf c f, af f |
<bf, bf'>4. <c c'>4 <af af'> |
\grace { f16 gf af } bf8 f bf c f, af f |
<bf bf'>4. <c c'>4 <af af'> |
bf8 gf bf c gf df' gf, |
<gf gf'>4. <af af'>4 <bf bf'> |
ef'8 af, ef df' af c4 |
<c c'>4. <bf bf'>4 <af af'> |
\grace { f,16 gf af } bf8 f bf c f, af f |
<bf bf'>4. <c c'>4 <af af'> |
\grace { f16 gf af } bf8 f bf c f, af f |
<bf bf'>4. <c c'>4 <af af'> |
\time 13/8
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(3 3 3 2 2)
\clef treble bf8 f bf <ef f> f bf <ef f> bf f <ef f> bf f4 |
ef'8 bf' ef ef bf' ef gf ef bf ef, bf ef, bf' |
bf8 f bf <d f> f bf <d f> bf f <d f> bf f4 |
d,8 bf' d d bf' d af' d, bf d, bf d, bf' |
af8 f af <df! f> f af <df! f> af f <df f> af f4 |
df,!8 af' df! df af' df! ef df af df, af df, af' |
af8 f af <cf ef> f af <cf ef> af f <cf ef> af f4 |
cf,8 af' cf cf af' cf ef cf af cf, af cf, af' |
\time 4/4
\tuplet 3/2 4 { r8 f bf ef f bf ef f bf \ottava #1 ef f bf } |
<bf, bf'>1 ~ |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { ef8 bf f \ottava #0 ef bf f ef bf f ef bf f } |
q1 |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { r8 f bf d f bf d f bf \ottava #1 d f bf } |
<bf bf'>1 ~ |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { d8 bf f \ottava #0 d bf f d bf f d bf f } |
q1 |
r16 f bf ef f f bf ef f f bf ef \ottava #1 f f bf ef |
<af af'>1 ~ |
f16 ef bf f \ottava #0 f ef bf f f ef bf f f ef bf f |
q1 |
r16 f bf d f f bf d f f bf d \ottava #1 f f bf d |
<af af'>1 ~ |
f16 d bf f \ottava #0 f d bf f f d bf f f d bf f |
q1 |
r16 f16 bf ef gf f bf ef gf f bf ef \ottava #1 gf f bf ef |
<gf gf'>1 ~ |
gf16 ef bf f \ottava #0 gf ef bf f gf ef bf f gf ef bf f |
q1 |
r16 f bf c f f bf c f f bf c \ottava #1 f f bf c |
<f f'>1 ~ |
f16 c bf f \ottava #0 f c bf f f c bf f f c bf f |
q1 |
r16 f a c f f a c f f a c \ottava #1 f f a c |
<f f'>1 ~ |
f4 \ottava #0 f, f,2 |
q2. f'4 |
\time 7/8
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(3 2 2)
\bar ".|:" bf,8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf8 f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, df' f, |
bf f' df' f, df f f, |
ef' f, ef' df f, c' f, \bar ":|." |
c' a' c bf a f ef |
bf gf bf c gf df' gf, |
gf, df' gf af! bf gf df |
ef' af, ef df' af c4 |
af8 ef' af bf c <af ef'>4 |
\grace { f,16 gf af } bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf,8 f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf8 f' df' f, df f f, |
bf' gf bf c gf df' gf, |
\clef treble gf' df' gf af! bf gf df |
ef' af, ef df' af c4 |
af8 ef' af bf c <af ef'>4 |
\grace { f,16 gf af } bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf,8 f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf8 f' df' f, df f f, |
\ottava #1 bf'8 f bf c f, af f |
bf'8 f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf8 f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf8 f' df' f, df f f, |
bf8 f bf c f, af f |
bf8 f' df' f, df f f, |
<bf ef f bf>2..\fermata\arpeggio \bar "||" |
<bf f' af>2..\fermata\arpeggio |
secondStaff = \new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\new Staff = "secondR" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} \relative c'' \secondR
\new Staff ="secondL" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} { \relative c' \secondL }
globalThird = {
\key bf \minor
\time 4/4
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
\parallelMusic #'(thirdR thirdL) {
\tempo "Presto" 4 = 176
\globalThird bf16 c df ef f gf af bf c bf af gf f ef df c |
\globalThird <bf f' df'>4\arpeggio <a f' c'>\arpeggio <bf f' df'>\arpeggio <c a' ef'>\arpeggio |
bf16 c df ef f gf af bf c bf af gf f ef df c |
<bf f' df'>4\arpeggio <a f' c'>\arpeggio <bf f' bf>\arpeggio <f, f'> |
bf16 c df ef f c df ef f gf af bf c df ef f |
<bf' f' df'>4\arpeggio <a f' c'>\arpeggio <bf f' df'>\arpeggio <c a' ef'>\arpeggio |
gf16 f ef df c bf a gf f ef df c bf a gf f |
<df bf' f'>4\arpeggio <ef c' gf'>\arpeggio <f c' f>\arpeggio <f, f'> |
ef16 f gf af! bf c df ef f ef df c bf af gf f |
<ef bf' gf'>4\arpeggio <d bf' f'>\arpeggio <ef bf' gf'>\arpeggio <f d' af'>\arpeggio |
ef16 f gf af bf c df ef f ef df c bf af gf f |
<ef bf' gf'>4\arpeggio <d bf' f'>\arpeggio <ef bf' ef>\arpeggio <bf bf'> |
ef16 f gf af bf f gf af bf c df ef f d cf af |
<ef bf' gf'>4\arpeggio <d bf' f'>\arpeggio <ef bf' gf'>\arpeggio <f d' af'>\arpeggio |
af'16 f d cf cf' af f d d' b gs es d b gs es |
<cf' f af d>4\arpeggio <d af' cf f>\arpeggio <es es'>8 <d d'> <b b'> <gs gs'> |
fs16 gs a b cs d es fs gs fs es d cs b a gs |
fs8 cs' a' cs, es, cs' gs' cs, |
fs16 gs a b cs d es fs gs fs es d cs b a gs |
fs,8 cs' a' cs, cs,4 cs, |
fs16 gs a b cs gs a b cs d es fs gs fs es d |
<fs' cs' a'>4\arpeggio <es cs' gs'>\arpeggio <fs cs' a'>\arpeggio <gs d' b'>\arpeggio |
df!16 bf g e e' df bf g g' e df bf e df bf g |
g bf df e bf df e g df e g bf e, g bf df |
f16 g af bf c df ef f g f ef df c bf af g |
f,16 g af bf c df ef f g f ef df c bf af g |
f16 g af bf c df ef f g f ef df c bf af g |
f16 g af bf c df ef f g f ef df c bf af g |
f16 g af bf c f, g af bf c df ef f c df ef |
f16 g af bf c f, g af bf c df ef f c df ef |
f16 g af bf c f, g af bf c df ef f c df ef |
\clef treble f16 g af bf c f, g af bf c df ef f c df ef |
f16 ef df c bf af g f ef df c bf af g f ef |
f16 ef df c bf af g f ef df c bf \clef bass af g f ef |
f16 ef df c bf af g f g af bf c df ef f ef |
f16 ef df c bf af g f ef df c bf af g f ef |
df16 ef f gf af bf c df ef df c bf af gf f ef |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { df8 af'' df f df af c, ef af ef' af, ef } |
df16 ef f gf af bf c df ef df c bf af gf f ef |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { df8 af' df f ef df } af4 af, |
df16 ef f gf af bf c df ef f gf af bf c df ef |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { df8 af' f' ef, c' gf' f, df' af' gf, c af' } |
f16 ef df c bf a gf f ef df c bf a f a c |
<a, ef' gf c>4\arpeggio <gf c ef a>\arpeggio <ef a c gf'>\arpeggio <f, f'> |
bf16 c df ef f gf af bf c bf af gf f ef df c |
\clef treble bf''16 c df ef f gf af bf c bf af gf f ef df c |
bf16 c df ef f gf af bf c bf af gf f ef df c |
bf16 c df ef f gf af bf c bf af gf f ef df c |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { bf8 c df ef f gf a bf a gf f ef } |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { bf c df ef f gf a bf a gf f ef } |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { df c bf a gf f ef df c bf a gf } |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { f ef df c bf a \clef bass gf f ef df c bf } |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { \clef bass f8 ef df c bf a } bf2 |
\tuplet 3/2 4 { a8 gf f ef df c } bf4 bf, |
\clef treble s1 |
bf'16 df f bf
\override Stem #'direction = #UP f' bf \change Staff = "thirdR" df f
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN bf df f bf
\ottava #1 \override Stem #'direction = #UP f' bf df f
s1 |
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN bf1\fermata \bar "|." |
thirdStaff = \new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\new Staff = "thirdR" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} \relative c'' \thirdR
\new Staff ="thirdL" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} { \clef bass \relative c \thirdL }
\book {
\paper {
print-all-headers = ##t
\header {
title = "Suite Tempest"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2018 Tommy Montgomery"
tagline = ##f
\markup { \vspace #1 }
\score {
\header {
title = "I. The Waterfall"
subtitle = ##f
composer = ##f
tagline = ##f
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
\override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Glissando.thickness = #2
\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\score {
\header {
title = "II. The River's Edge"
composer = ##f
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
\override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Glissando.thickness = #2
\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\score {
\header {
title = "III. The Torrent"
subtitle = ##f
composer = ##f
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
\override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Glissando.thickness = #2
\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\score {
\midi {}
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