finished up amazing grace

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tmont 2013-12-30 16:33:53 -08:00
parent 7227072d1e
commit 3a30773b27
2 changed files with 211 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ lhBrokenFifths = \relative c {
dMajorScale = { cs d e fs g a b }
gMajorScale = { d e fs g a b c }
introR = \relative c {
\tempo "Rubato" 4 = 86
@ -239,6 +240,208 @@ secondThemeL = \relative c {
<d, d'>2. |
secondInterludeR = \relative c''' {
\time 12/8
d4. d, d'4 d,8 d' c16 d c b |
c4. c, c'4 c,8 c' b16 c b a |
b4. b, b'4 b,8 b' a16 b a g |
a4. a, <d g> <d fs> |
\grace { d16[ e fs] } << { g8 fs e e fs g } \\ { a,4 a8 a4 a8 } >> <a fs'>4. \times 6/7 { d16 e fs g a b c } |
d4. d, d'4 d,8 d' c16 d c b |
c4. \times 3/5 { c,8 e g c c } \times 3/5 { e g c g e } \times 3/5 { c c g e c } |
b'4. b, \grace { b16[ e g] } << { b4 a g } \\ { b8 b, a' b, g' b, } >> |
a'4. a, <d g> <d fs> |
\time 6/8
\grace { d'16[ e fs] } << { g8 fs e e fs g } \\ { a,4 a8 a4 a8 } >> |
\time 4/4
\tempo \markup {
\concat {
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"16" #1
" = "
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"8" #1
} 4 = 112
fs'16 e d a fs e d a fs e d a \change Staff = "left" fs e d a |
s a d e fs a \change Staff = "right" d e fs a d e fs a d e |
fs2 d |
secondInterludeL = \relative c {
\repeat unfold 2 {
\transpose d g \lhArpeggio |
\transpose d c \lhArpeggio |
\modalTranspose d e { d e fs g a b c } \lhArpeggio |
\lhArpeggio |
\alternative {
{ d8 a' d e fs e d4. d, }
{ \clef treble d'8 a' d e fs e }
d2. \clef bass s4 |
<d,,,, d'>1 ~ |
q1 |
thirdThemeR = \relative c'''' {
\repeat unfold 11 { g16 d c g }
\times 4/6 { g' d c a d e }
\repeat unfold 4 \times 4/6 { a e d a d e }
\repeat unfold 7 { g16 d c g }
\times 4/6 { g' d c a d e }
\repeat unfold 8 \times 4/6 { a e d a d e }
\repeat unfold 8 { g16 d c g }
\repeat unfold 4 { b g fs e }
a g fs e d e fs g a g fs e d'4\fermata |
\repeat unfold 4 { b16 a g d }
\time 3/4
\repeat unfold 3 { b' g fs d }
\time 4/4
a' e d a a e d a a d e a a e d a |
thirdThemeL = \relative c {
<g g'>2. <b b'>8 <g g'> |
<b b'>2. <a a'>4 |
<g g'>2. <e e'>4 |
<d d'>2. q4 |
<g g'>2. <b b'>8 <g g'> |
<b b'>2. <a a'>4 |
<d d'>2. <a a'>4 |
<g g'> <fs fs'> <d d'> <b' b'> |
<d d'>2 ~ q8 <b b'> <d d'> <b b'> |
<g g'>2. <d d'>4 |
<e e'>2 ~ q8 <g g'> q <e e'> |
<d d'>2. ~ q8\fermata \times 2/3 { <d d'>16 <e e'> <fs fs'> } |
<g g'>2. <b b'>8 <g g'> |
<b b'>2. |
<a a'>1 |
thirdInterludeR = \relative c'' {
\time 12/8
\tempo \markup {
\concat {
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4." #1
" = "
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1
} 4. = 112
g4. \tiny <d b'> <b' g'> \normalsize \grace { g16[ a] } b8 a g |
b4. \tiny <e, fs g> <e' fs g b> \normalsize a, |
a a, <d g>4 <d fs> g |
<ef g>4. g, <g' ef' g>4 <a a'> <bf bf'> |
<a d fs a>4. d, <a' d fs a>4 <g g'> <fs fs'> |
<g c ef g>4. q <c c'>4 <d d'> <ef ef'> |
<d fs a d>4. d, g fs |
a d, g fs |
\key d \major
\time 4/4
\tempo \markup {
\concat {
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4" #1
" = "
\smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"4." #1
} 4 = 112
\repeat unfold 12 { a16 fs e d }
\repeat unfold 4 { b' fs e d }
\repeat unfold 4 { cs' gs fs es }
\repeat unfold 4 { d' a fs e }
\repeat unfold 4 { e' cs b a }
\repeat unfold 4 { es' d b gs }
\repeat unfold 4 { fs' cs b a }
\repeat unfold 3 { gs' ds cs bs }
gs' ds cs8\mordent |
<bs ds>1\fermata |
thirdInterludeL = \relative c, {
\lhBrokenFifths |
\transpose g e \lhBrokenFifths |
d8 a' d ~ d d a' ~ a d4 a d,8 |
ef,8 bf' ef ~ ef bf ef ef, bf' ef bf ef, bf' |
d,8 a' d ~ d a d d, a' d a d, a' |
c,8 g' c ~ c g c c, g' c g c, g' |
d a' d ~ d a d ~ d a d ~ d a d |
d, a' d ~ d a d ~ d a d ~ d a d |
\key d \major
\repeat unfold 4 { d,16 a' d e }
\repeat unfold 4 { g, d' g a }
\repeat unfold 4 { a, e' a b }
\repeat unfold 4 { b, fs' b cs }
\repeat unfold 4 { cs, gs' a cs }
\repeat unfold 4 { d, g a d }
\repeat unfold 4 { e, a b e }
\repeat unfold 4 { es, gs b d }
\repeat unfold 4 { fs, cs' e fs }
\repeat unfold 4 { gs, ds' gs ds }
<gs, ds' gs>1\fermata |
outroR = \relative c {
\tempo "Rubato" 4 = 86
\key df \major
\change Staff = "left" <af df f>4 \change Staff = "right" <af' df f> <af' df f>2 |
\change Staff = "left" \override Stem #'direction = #UP <bf,, ef gf>4 \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "right" <bf' ef gf> <bf' ef gf>2 |
\change Staff = "left" \override Stem #'direction = #UP <f, af df>4 \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "right" <f' af df> <f' af df>2 |
\times 2/3 { <gf, bf df gf>4\arpeggio <f f'> <ef ef'> } \times 2/3 { <ef gf bf ef>\arpeggio <f f'> <gf gf'> } |
<fs a d fs>2 \change Staff = "left" d,32 fs a \change Staff = "right" d d fs a d \times 4/7 { d16 fs a \ottava #'1 d d fs a } |
<d, d'>1\fermata \bar "||" |
\key c \major
\time 6/4
\ottava #'0
r2 \times 2/3 { <c g'>8 d g, } \times 2/3 { <c, g'>[ d g,] } \times 2/3 { <c, g'>[ d g,] } \change Staff = "left" \times 2/3 { <c, g'>[ d g,] } |
<bf ef>2 \change Staff = "right" \times 2/3 { <d''' g>8[ ef g,] } \times 2/3 { <d g>[ ef g,] } \times 2/3 { <d g>[ ef g,] } \change Staff = "left" \times 2/3 { <d g>[ ef g,] } |
\time 4/4
\override Stem #'direction = #UP <c ef g>2. \revert Stem #'direction \change Staff = "right" r8 f'16 g |
\times 2/3 { af8 g f } \times 2/3 { e f g } \times 2/3 { f e d } <c e>4 |
<e' g c e>8 <c c'> <e g c e>4 <d g b d> <b, d g> |
<e, g c>2 \ottava #'1 <c''' g' e'>2\arpeggio\fermata \bar "|." |
outroL = \relative c,, {
\key df \major
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN <df df'>4 \revert Stem #'direction <df' df'> <df' df'>2 |
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN <ef,, ef'>4 \revert Stem #'direction <ef' ef'> <ef' ef'>2 |
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN <f,, f'>4 \revert Stem #'direction <f' f'> <f' f'>2 |
<gf,, gf'>2 <ef ef'> |
<d d'>1 ~ |
<d d'>\fermata |
\key c \major
<g g'>1. |
<ef ef'>1. |
<a a'>1 |
\times 2/3 { c'8 bf' af } \times 2/3 { c, af' g } \times 2/3 { bf, g' bf } <c, g'>4 |
<c, g' c>2 <g g'>4. g'8 |
<c, c'>2 c,\fermata |
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with {
instrumentName = "Piano"
@ -253,6 +456,10 @@ secondThemeL = \relative c {
\new Staff = "left" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
@ -264,6 +471,10 @@ secondThemeL = \relative c {
\layout { }

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