beginning of life on the sun
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
\version "2.14.2"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "Life on the Sun"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2002 Tommy Montgomery"
defaults = {
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\key e \major
\set Score.connectArpeggios = ##t
\parallelMusic #'(right left) {
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 100
\defaults <ds fs a>4.\arpeggio b'8 a4 gs |
\defaults <e gs b>4.\arpeggio b8 <cs gs'~>4 <ds gs> |
<b, ds gs>4. as8( b ds e fs) |
gs,8 ds' gs as, b4 b, |
as4 ~ <fs as> ~ <b, fs' as> ~ <as b fs' as> |
fs'8 cs' fs cs gs' cs, \parenthesize as' cs, |
<< { e'2. e'4 } \\ { <a,,? b>4 a cs b'8 a ~ } >> |
a?8 e'4 e,8 a,4 a' |
<< { gs'4 r16 b,, ds fs a4 b } \\ { <a e'> s4 <e fs>8[ b] cs a } >> |
gs8 e' gs4 e,16 b'8 e16 fs, cs'8 fs16 |
<ds gs>4 b16 ds gs as b ds gs as \ottava #'1 b ds fs gs |
gs,16 ds' gs as r4 r2 |
as4 \ottava #'0 r16 as,,, cs fs << { as4 gs } \\ { cs,8 as b4 } >> |
fs,8 cs' fs4 fs <e, e'> |
\afterGrace <a? b e>1\fermata {
e'16[ \change Staff = "left" b a f a b \change Staff = "right" e f a b]
e[ b a f a b e f a b]
e[ b a f a b \ottava #'1 e f a b] e4
} |
<e e'>1\fermata |
\tempo "Freely"
\key a \minor \ottava #'0 <g,,,, a c e>4 <g' a c e> <g' a c e> \ottava #'1 <g' a c e> |
\key a \minor <a, a'>1 |
\ottava #'0 <a,,, c e fs>4 <a' c e fs> <a' c e fs> \ottava #'1 <a' c e fs> |
<a a'>1 |
\ottava #'0 <f,,,? a c d>4 <f'? a c d> <f'? a c d> \ottava #'1 <f' a c d> |
<a a'>1 |
\ottava #'0 \afterGrace <a,,, b e>1 {
e'16[ \change Staff = "left" b a e a b \change Staff = "right" e a b]
e[ b a e a b e a b]
e[ b a e a b \ottava #'1 e a b] e4
} |
<e e'>1 |
\tempo "Slower" 4 = 70
\ottava #'0 <b,, c>8 e, <b' c> e, <a c> e <a c> e |
a'4 ~ a16 e'8 g16 fs4 ~ fs8. fs16 |
<g d'>8 f? <g d'> f <a d> f <a d> e |
f?8. a16 ~ a c b d e,8. a16 ~ a d8 d,16 |
<b' c>8 e, <b' c> e, <a c> e <a c> e |
<a, a'>4 ~ <a a'>16 <e' e'> <g g'>8 <fs fs'>2 |
<g d'>8 f? <g d'> f <b f'> g <b e> g |
<f? f'?>2 <g, g'>4 <e e'> |
<a c e a>4. \ottava #'1 <e' a c e>4 <a c e a> <b d g b>8 |
<a a'>4. <e e'>4 <a a'> <b b'>8 |
\afterGrace <c f a c>1 { \ottava #'0 c,16[ a f a c f a c \ottava #'1 f a c] f2 } |
<f f'>2. <f f'>4 |
\ottava #'0 r4 <d,,, g b>8 <d g b>4 <d g a> <d g a>16( b') |
<g g'>1 ~ |
<d, g c>4. <d g b>8 ~ <d g b> <d g a>8 ~ <d g a>4 |
<g g'>1 |
<a d f>4 <f a d> <a b e> <gs b e> |
<d d'>2. <e e'>4 |
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with {
instrumentName = "Piano"
} <<
\new Staff = "right" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} \relative c' \right
\new Staff = "left" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} { \clef bass \relative c \left }
\layout { }
\midi {
\context {
tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 88 4)
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