b minor piano thing, concerto, blue shift, arise again

This commit is contained in:
tmont 2015-08-30 22:44:07 -07:00
parent 9e4111150d
commit a73920866d
7 changed files with 512 additions and 0 deletions

arise-again.ly Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"
\include "lib/guitar-bend.ily"
\header {
title = "Arise Again"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2015 Tommy Montgomery"
globalConfig = {
\key cs \minor
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 130
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
cleanGuitar = {
\relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 5 { e8 ds gs, } e'
\repeat unfold 5 { ds fss, e' } ds
\repeat unfold 5 { gs, e' ds } gs,
\repeat unfold 5 { e' ds fss, } e'
\repeat unfold 5 { ds gs, e' } ds
\repeat unfold 5 { fss, e' ds } fss,
\repeat unfold 5 { e' ds gs, } e'
\repeat unfold 5 { ds fss, e' } ds
\repeat unfold 5 { gs, e' ds } gs,
\repeat unfold 5 { e' ds fss, } e'
\repeat unfold 5 { ds gs, e' } ds
\repeat unfold 5 { fss, e' ds } fss,
\repeat unfold 5 { e' ds gs, } e'
\repeat unfold 5 { ds fss, e' } ds
\repeat unfold 5 { gs, e' ds } gs,
\repeat unfold 5 { e' ds fss, } e'
distGuitarOne = {
\relative c' {
\repeat unfold 8 { r1 }
<gs cs gs'>1 ~ | q | <fss ds' fss> ~ | q |
<gs cs gs'> ~ | q | <as ds as'> ~ | q |
<gs cs gs'> ~ | q |
leadGuitarOne = {
\relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 4 { r1 }
leadGuitarTwo = {
\relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 16 { r1 }
\score {
\new Staff \with { \clef "treble" instrumentName = "Clean" } {
\new Staff \with { \clef "treble" instrumentName = "Distorted" } {
\new Staff \with { \clef "treble" instrumentName = "Lead I" } {
\new Staff \with { \clef "treble" instrumentName = "Lead II" } {
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
\override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Glissando.thickness = #2

arise-again.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

piano-concerto-1.ly Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "Piano Concerto No. 1"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2015 Tommy Montgomery"
scoreAGlobal = {
\key b \minor
\time 4/4
\tempo "Allegro"
violin = \relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 4 r1
{ e8.\f( b16 b2) e4 | e8.( c16 c2) e4 | } \\
{ b8. ( e,16 e2) b'4 | c8.( a16 a2) c4 | }
{ e8. ( b16 b4 ~ b8 a8) a8.( b16) | e,1 | } \\
{ b'8.( e,16 e4 ~ e8 d8) d16( e fs8 ) | s1 | }
g8\p d b' d, d' d, b' g | a e cs' e, e' e, cs' a |
fs ds a' fs c' a ds c |
e16 b a b g b fs b e, b' d, b' e,4 ~ |
e2 r2 |
cello = \relative c {
\repeat unfold 4 r1
<e, e'>1 ~ | q1 ~ | q1 ~ | q1 |
g2 b | a cs | c <fs, ds'> | <e e'>2.\sfz <e' e'>8 <a, a'> |
<g g'> <fs fs'> <e e'> <d d'> <e e'>2 |
flute = \relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 4 r1
\repeat unfold 3 r1
r2 r4 r8 e16\f( fs) |
g4 b d4. fs,16( g) | a4 cs e4. a,16( b) |
c4 ds fs2 |
r2 r4 r16 e,16 fs g | a b c d e2. |
oboe = \relative c' {
\repeat unfold 4 r1
\repeat unfold 3 r1
r2 r4 r8 e16\f( fs) |
d4 g b4. d,16( e) | e4 a cs4. e,16( g) |
a4 c ds2 |
r1 | r4 r16 e,16 fs g a b cs ds e4 |
clarinet = \relative c'' {
\transposition bf
\repeat unfold 4 r1
trumpetBb = \relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 4 r1
\repeat unfold 8 r1
r4 r16 g a b c d e fs g4 |
hornF = \relative c' {
\repeat unfold 4 r1
\repeat unfold 8 r1
r4 r16 e fs g a b cs ds e4 |
right = \relative c'' {
\ottava 1
e''16\f b g e fs b e, b e b g e fs b e, b |
\ottava 0
e b g e fs b e, b e
\change Staff = "left"
\override Stem #'direction = #UP
b g e fs b e, b |
\repeat unfold 8 { s16 g b e }
\repeat unfold 4 { s16 g, b e }
\repeat unfold 4 { s16 a, c e }
\repeat unfold 8 { s16 g, b e }
\repeat unfold 4 { s16 b d g }
\repeat unfold 4 { s16 cs, e a }
\repeat unfold 4 { s16 ds, fs c' }
s1 | s1 |
left = \relative c {
r1 | s1 |
\override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
e,16\sfp s8.
\repeat unfold 7 { e16 s8. }
\repeat unfold 16 { e16 s8. }
\repeat unfold 4 { g16 s8. }
\repeat unfold 4 { a16 s8. }
\repeat unfold 4 { a16 s8. }
r1 | r1 |
violinPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Violin"
midiInstrument = "violin"
} \violin
celloPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Cello"
midiInstrument = "cello"
} { \clef bass \cello }
flutePart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Flute"
midiInstrument = "flute"
} \flute
oboePart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Oboe"
midiInstrument = "oboe"
} \oboe
clarinetPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Clarinet"
midiInstrument = "clarinet"
} \clarinet
trumpetBbPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Trumpet"
midiInstrument = "trumpet"
} \trumpetBb
hornFPart = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Fr. Horn"
midiInstrument = "french horn"
} \hornF
pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
instrumentName = "Piano"
} <<
\new Staff = "right" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} \right
\new Staff = "left" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} { \clef bass \left }
\score {
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\midi {
\tempo 4=96

piano-concerto-1.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

piano-sonata.ly Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "Dat Piano Piece"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2015 Tommy Montgomery"
global = {
\key b \minor
\time 6/8
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\parallelMusic #'(right left) {
\tempo "Moderately" 4. = 60
% intro
\global <fs b d fs>4.( ~ q8. <fs, b e fs> ~ |
\global r4. <b b'>4.|
<gs b e gs>2.) |
<e e'>4. e, |
<fs' b d fs>4.( ~ q8. <g,? d' e g?> ~ |
r4. <g? g'?> |
<fs cs' e fs>2.) |
<a a'>4. fs' |
<fs' b d fs>4.( ~ q8. <fs, b e fs> ~ |
r4. <b, b'>4.|
<gs b e gs>2.) |
<e e'>4 b8 e,4. |
<fs' b d fs>4.( ~ q8. <es, b' cs es> ~ |
r4. <cs' cs'> |
<e! b' cs e!>2.) |
fs2. |
% theme 1
b'8 fs'( d) b fs'( d) |
<b, b'>2. ~ |
b8 fs'( d) b fs'( d) |
q2. |
d'4.(^Understated b4 cs8 |
\clef treble b''8-. fs'-. d-. b-. fs'-. d-. |
d4.) d4( e8 |
b8-. fs'-. d-. b-. fs'-. d-. |
fs2. |
as8-. fs'-. d-. as-. fs'-. d-. |
g4. fs4 e8 |
as8-. fs'-. d-. as-. fs'-. cs-. |
d4.) b4( cs8 |
b8-. fs'-. d-. b-. fs'-. d-. |
d4.) d4( e8 |
as8-. fs'-. d-. as-. fs'-. cs-. |
fs2. ~ |
a!8-. fs'-. d-. a-. fs'-. d-. |
fs4. e4 d8 |
gs,8-. fs'-. d-. gs,-. fs'-. d-. |
cs4.) a4( b8 |
g,!8-. e'-. cs-. g-. e'-. cs-. |
cs4.) a4( b8 |
es,8-. cs'-. gs-. es-. cs'-. gs-. |
cs2. ~ |
\clef bass fs8-. e'-. cs-. e,( cs' fs,) |
cs4.) as( |
cs8( fs e) fs,( e' cs) |
b4) r8 d,16( b cs d e fs |
b,8( b' d fs4.) |
g4.) cs4.( |
cs8( g' e as e' cs |
d4) r8 a16( fs g a b cs |
d8 a fs d4 cs8) |
d16 b fs d b fs \clef bass as g e g as cs |
b,8 <fs' d'>4-> cs8 <g' cs>4-> |
<fs, d'>4.) <d b'>4( <g cs>8 |
b,8 d' fs, b, d' fs, |
<fs d'>4. <b d>4 <g e'>8 |
b,8 d' fs, b, d' fs, |
<fs fs'>2. |
as,8 d' fs, as, d' fs, |
<g cs g'>4. ~ <fs cs' fs>4 <e as e'>8 |
as,8 d' fs, as, cs' fs, |
<fs d'>4.) <d b'>4( <g cs>8 |
b,8 d' fs, b, d' fs, |
<fs d'>4. <b d>4 <cs e>8 |
as,8 d' fs, as, d' fs, |
<a! fs'>2.) |
d8 d' a! d, d' a |
\set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
<< { g'4.(\arpeggio fs4 e8 } \\ { <a, cs>2.\arpeggio } >> |
cs,8 e' a, cs, e' a, |
<< { d4.) d( } \\ { d,8 b' fs d b' fs } >> |
b,8 b' fs b, b' fs |
<< { d'4. e } \\ { d,8 b' fs e cs' fs, } >> |
b,8 b' fs cs cs' fs, |
<< { fs'2. ~ } \\ { fs,8 d' a fs8 d' a } >> |
d8 d' a d, d' a |
<< { fs'2.) } \\ { fs,8 d'8 a fs8 d' a } >> |
d,8 d' a d, d' a |
<< { fs'4.( fs } \\ { fs,8 d'8 a fs d' a } >> |
d,8 d' a d, d' a |
<< { fs'4. fs } \\ { fs,8 d' a fs ds' a } >> |
d,8 d' a ds, ds' b |
\clef treble << { g'2. ~ } \\ { g,8 e' b g e' b } >> |
e,8 e' b e, e' b |
<< { g'2.) } \\ { g,8 e'8 b g e' b } >> |
e,8 e' b e, e' b |
<< { g'4.( g } \\ { g,8 e' bf g e' bf } >> |
e,8 e' c e, e' c |
<< { g'4. a } \\ { g,8 e' bf a f' c } >> |
e,8 e' c f, f' c |
<< { a'2. ~ } \\ { a,8 fs'! c a fs' c } >> |
fs,!8 fs'! d fs, fs' d |
<< { a'2.) } \\ { a,8 fs' c a fs' c } >> |
fs,8 fs' d fs, fs' d |
<< { bf'2.( } \\ { bf,8 g' d bf g' d } >> |
g,8 g' d g, g' d |
<< { g2. } \\ { g,8 ef' bf g ef' bf } >> |
ef,8 ef' bf ef, ef' bf |
\clef bass << { ef2. } \\ { ef,8 c' g ef c' g } >> |
c,8 c' g c, c' g |
<< { d'4. c } \\ { d,8 b' g d a' fs } >> |
b,8 b' g d c' a |
<< { b4) s8 c4( cs8 } \\ { g16 e fs g a b a4. } >> |
<< { g4( fs8 f4) s8 } \\ { s4. f16 d e f g a } >> |
\clef treble << { d4) s8 g4( gf8 } \\ { d16 bf c d ef f ef4. } >> |
<< { bf4( a8 af4) s8 } \\ { bf4 s8 af16 f g af bf c } >> |
<< { f4) s8 } \\ { f16 df ef f fs gs } >> a16 fs cs \change Staff = "left" a fs cs |
df4 <b, b'>8 <a a'>4. |
\change Staff = "right" gs''16 d \change Staff = "left"
a gs d a \override Stem #'direction = #UP b cs d fs b d |
<gs gs'>4. \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN <fs fs'>4 <d d'>8 |
\change Staff = "right" \revert Stem #'direction cs8. <cs fs gs cs>16 q8 <cs es gs cs>4. |
\revert Stem #'direction <cs cs'>8. <cs' cs'>16 <fs fs'>8 <gs gs'>4. |
fs''16 a cs, a fs a cs, a fs a cs, a |
\clef treble d''''16 a fs e! d a fs e! \clef bass d a fs e! |
<cs fs gs cs>8. <cs ds gs cs>16 q8 <cs es gs cs>4. |
<cs,, cs'>8. <cs' cs'>16 <fs fs'>8 <gs gs'>4. |
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with {
instrumentName = "Piano"
} <<
\new Staff = "right" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
\consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver"
} \relative c' \right
\new Staff = "left" \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
} { \clef bass \relative c, \left }
\layout { }
\midi {
\context {
tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 60 2)

piano-sonata.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.