diff --git a/album3/fair-weather-friend.ly b/album3/fair-weather-friend.ly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f646fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album3/fair-weather-friend.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+\version "2.22.1"
+\language "english"
+\header {
+ title = "Fair-weather Friend"
+ composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
+ copyright = "(c) 2022 Tommy Montgomery"
+global = {
+ \key d \dorian
+ \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
+ \numericTimeSignature
+ \compressEmptyMeasures
+ \omit Voice.StringNumber
+ \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
+ \override Score.ChordName.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
+ \override Score.ChordName.font-size = #0
+ \override Score.LyricText.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
+ \override Score.LyricText.font-size = #0
+ \time 5/4
+guitar = \relative c' {
+ \tempo 4 = 120
+ \partial 8 a16( c) |
+ \repeat unfold 3 {
+ d4 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> a16( c) |
+ }
+ d4 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> c16 g |
+ \repeat unfold 2 {
+ a4 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> c!16 g |
+ }
+ a4 8-> q16 q q8 \xNotesOn q16 \xNotesOff ~ q \xNotesOn q \xNotesOff 8 ~ q4 ~ |
+ q4. \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff ( b) q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff ( b) q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff |
+ R1*5/4*6^"some kind of lead" |
+ a,4 8-> q16 q q8 \xNotesOn q16 \xNotesOff ~ q \xNotesOn q \xNotesOff 8 \xNotesOn q16 \xNotesOff 8 \xNotesOn q16 \xNotesOff |
+ 4. \xNotesOn q16 q16 \xNotesOff q q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff q q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff |
+ \bar "||"
+ \repeat unfold 2 {
+ d4 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> a16( c) |
+ d4 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> c16( a) |
+ f4-> 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff 8-> ~ q q4-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ { d4 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> a16( c) | }
+ { d4 8-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff ( b) q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff ( b) q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff }
+ }
+ % chorus
+ \repeat unfold 3 {
+ 4-> q8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff 8->
+ \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff 8-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff 8-> |
+ }
+ f'8 a d a e' d a f e d |
+ 4.\arpeggio 8-> r -> \tuplet 6/4 4 { a16( c! d) d( f g) g( f d) d( c a) } |
+ \bar "||"
+ R1*5/4*8^"intro riff" |
+ \bar "||"
+ \repeat unfold 2 {
+ d'16( d,) d c'( d,) d b'( d,) d c'( d,) d b'( d,) g( d)
+ a'( d,) d b'( d,) d c'( d,) d b'( d,) d a'( d,) g( d)
+ a'( d,) d d( e a,) c( a) |
+ f8. c'16 ~ c8 f g8. e16 ~ e8 c a c |
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ { d4 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff | }
+ { d4 8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff | }
+ }
+ \repeat unfold 2 {
+ 8.-> q16 \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff 8-> ~ q16 q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff
+ \repeat unfold 2 { q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff } |
+ }
+ \repeat unfold 2 {
+ 8.-> q16 \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff 8-> ~ q16 q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff
+ \repeat unfold 2 { q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff } |
+ }
+ \repeat unfold 2 {
+ 8.-> q16 \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff 8-> ~ q16 q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff
+ \repeat unfold 2 { q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff } |
+ }
+ 8.-> q16 \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff 8-> ~ q16 q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff
+ \repeat unfold 2 { q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff } |
+ 4-> q8-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff 16\glissando( ) q8 q-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff
+ \tuplet 3/2 { e'16( f! \set stemRightBeamCount = #1 e) } \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 d( c) |
+ R1*5/4*8^"chorus riff" |
+vocalMelody = \relative c' {
+ \partial 8 r8 |
+ R1*5/4*16 |
+ % verse 1
+ r4^"verse" r8 d d f4 a8 ~ a4 | a8 g4 g8 g( fs) fs4 r4 |
+ r8 a, f'! f ~ f e4( d8) c d ~ | d2 r2 r4 |
+ r4 r8 d d f4 a8 ~ a4 | a8 g4 g8 g( fs) fs4 r4 |
+ r8 a, f'! f ~ f e4( d8) c d ~ | d2 r2 r8 a'8 |
+ % chorus
+ a4. cs8 ~ cs4 e4 ~ e |
+ f4 f8 e ~ e d e4 ~ e8 r8 |
+ cs4. e8 ~ e4 g4 ~ g8 g8 |
+ g8 g f4 ~ f8 e4. d4 |
+ e2. r4 r4 |
+ R1*5/4*8 |
+ % verse 2
+ r4^"verse" r8 d, d f4 a8 ~ a4 | a8 g4 g8 g( fs) fs4 r4 |
+ r8 a, f'! f ~ f e4( d8) c d ~ | d2 r2 r4 |
+ r4 r4 d8 f4 a8 ~ a4 | a8 g4 g8 g( fs) fs4 r4 |
+ r8 a, f'! f ~ f e4( d8) c d ~ | d2 r2 r8 a'8 |
+allTheLyrics = \lyricmode {
+ I washed my hands __ in ho -- ly wa -- ter
+ but I still __ seem __ to bleed. __
+ I sent my mo -- ney to your temp -- le
+ but I still __ feel __ your greed. __
+ But now I __ see __
+ what it means __ to be __
+ all a -- lone __
+ with just a fair weath -- ered friend.
+ I lift my eyes __ and beg for mer -- cy
+ but I'm too __ blind __ to see __
+ all the things __ you hold a -- gainst __ me
+ and what might __ set __ me free. __
+guitarStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" midiMaximumVolume = #0.6 } {
+ \global
+ \guitar
+vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #0.7 } {
+ <<
+ \new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" {
+ \allTheLyrics
+ }
+ >>
+chordExceptionMusic = {
+ 1-\markup { "maj9" }
+ 1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" }
+ 1-\markup { "m7sus4" }
+ 1-\markup { "°7" }
+ 1-\markup { \super { "ø7" } }
+ 1-\markup { "add9" }
+ 1-\markup { "m(add9)" }
+ 1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } }
+ 1-\markup { "5" }
+ 1-\markup { "7" }
+ 1-\markup { "maj7" }
+ 1-\markup { "m7" }
+ 1-\markup { "sus4" }
+ 1-\markup { "sus2" }
+ 1-\markup { "7" \super { \flat "9" } }
+ 1-\markup { "add11" }
+chordExceptions = #(append
+ (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t)
+ ignatzekExceptions
+chordValues = \chordmode {
+ \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
+ \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup "maj7"
+chordNames = \new ChordNames {
+ \set chordChanges = ##t
+ \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
+ \chordValues
+\score {
+ <<
+ \chordNames
+ \vox
+ \guitarStaff
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
+ \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
+ \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
+ \override Glissando.thickness = #2
+ \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
+ }
+ }
+\score {
+ \unfoldRepeats {
+ <<
+ % \vox
+ \guitarStaff
+ >>
+ }
+ \midi {}
diff --git a/album3/fair-weather-friend.pdf b/album3/fair-weather-friend.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fdea58
Binary files /dev/null and b/album3/fair-weather-friend.pdf differ
diff --git a/album3/fs-minor-thing.ly b/album3/fs-minor-thing.ly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..633ad58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album3/fs-minor-thing.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+\version "2.22.1"
+\language "english"
+\header {
+ title = "F# minor kinda thing"
+ composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
+ copyright = "(c) 2022 Tommy Montgomery"
+global = {
+ \key fs \minor
+ \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
+ \numericTimeSignature
+ \compressEmptyMeasures
+ \omit Voice.StringNumber
+ \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
+ \override Score.ChordName.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
+ \override Score.ChordName.font-size = #0
+ \override Score.LyricText.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
+ \override Score.LyricText.font-size = #0
+guitar = \relative c'' {
+ \tempo 4 = 80
+ \partial 2 \grace { e8\glissando( } fs16 e) cs b\glissando( a) e\glissando( fs) e, ~ | \bar "||"
+ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ |
+ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ e fs cs' e fs c a' e, ~ |
+ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ |
+ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ e fs cs' fs, c' b a e ~ |
+ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ |
+ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ e fs cs' e fs g,8.-> ~ |
+ g8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ |
+ e8 \xNotesOn 16 q q \xNotesOff e ~ e g as cs e cs as g |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { e fs cs' fs, c' b fs as e fs a fs gs g fs f | }
+ e fs cs' fs, e'( fs) fs, fs'' ~ fs( e) cs b\glissando( a) e\glissando( fs) e, ~ |
+ \repeat unfold 2 { e fs! cs'! fs, c' b fs as e fs a fs gs! g fs f | }
+ e fs! cs'! fs, c' b fs as e fs a fs gs! g fs e\laissezVibrer |
+ <<
+ { r8 r16 fs32 fs fs16 gs a cs fs cs gs' cs, a' fs cs' a | } \\
+ { e,8 r4 r2 | }
+ >>
+ \bar "||"
+ \time 12/8
+ \tempo \markup {
+ \concat {
+ \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note {8} #1
+ " = "
+ \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note {8} #1
+ }
+ }
+ \grace s16 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4. = 53
+ fs''2. gs4. a | \grace cs8( d2.) cs4. ~ cs8 b16 a gs a |
+ b4. e, \grace gs8( a4. gs) | fs4. ~ fs8. fs16( gs fs\glissando) es4. ~ es8 cs16 es b'( a) |
+ fs4. r4 gs16( a) \grace a8( b4. a) | \grace cs8( d4. ~ d8 e8. d16) cs4. ~ cs8 b16 a gs a |
+ b4. e, \grace gs8( a4. gs4 a16 gs) | fs2. r2. |
+ \repeat unfold 2 {
+ 8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff q\glissando( ) \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff
+ 8 \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff 8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff |
+ }
+ 8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff q\glissando( ) \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff
+ q\glissando( ) \xNotesOn q q q q \xNotesOff q8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff |
+ 8 q q q->-. r8 cs'32 es gs cs b8-. a-. gs-.
+ a[ \tuplet 3/2 { gs16( a \set stemRightBeamCount = #1 gs) } \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 fs16( e)] |
+ <<
+ { fs2. } \\
+ { fs,,8 fs16 fs fs e fs8 fs16 fs fs e }
+ >>
+ fs8 fs16 fs fs e fs a b cs e fs |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { fs,8 fs16 fs fs e } fs' e cs b a gs |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { fs8 fs16 fs fs e } fs a b cs e fs |
+ 2.
+ <<
+ { fs'16 b cs e fs b cs e fs b a gs } \\
+ { 4. e'16( ds) cs( b) a gs | }
+ >>
+ fs''2. \ottava #1 gs4. a | \grace cs8( d4.) ~ d8. cs16 d b cs4 \tuplet 3/2 { cs16( d cs) } b8 e,16 fs gs a |
+ b4. e, \grace gs8( a4. gs8.)( a32 gs fs16) e | fs4. r4. r es,16 gs a\glissando( b) cs( e!) |
+ fs4. ~ fs8. cs16 fs gs a8. cs,16 fs a gs8. fs16 gs a | \grace cs8( d4.) ~ d8 \grace d8( e8. d16) cs4. b8. a16 gs a |
+ b4. gs4. e8. e,32 gs b e gs a b a gs cs b a b a gs fs e gs | fs4. r8. cs16 fs gs a8. e16 gs a b8. a16 gs fs |
+ es4. \ottava #0 r4. r2. |
+ 8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff q\glissando( ) \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff
+ 8 \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff 8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff |
+ 8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff q\glissando( ) \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff
+ q\glissando( ) \xNotesOn q q q q \xNotesOff q8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff |
+ 8 q q q q q -.-> r r r4. |
+ \repeat unfold 3 {
+ fs,8 r r fs r r fs r r fs gs a |
+ fs r r fs r r fs r r cs' b a |
+ fs r r fs r r fs r r fs gs a |
+ fs r r fs r r fs r r fs'16( e) cs b a gs |
+ }
+ \repeat unfold 3 { fs8 fs16 fs fs fs } fs8 gs a |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { fs8 fs16 fs fs fs } cs'8 b a |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { fs8 fs16 fs fs fs } fs8 gs a |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { fs8 fs16 fs fs fs } fs'16( e) cs b a gs |
+ 4. 4 gs,16( e) 4. 4 gs,16( a) |
+ 4. 4 gs,16( e) 4. 4 b,16( a) |
+ 2. 4. ~ q8 a gs |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { 8. }
+ <<
+ { fs'16 gs a cs fs gs } \\
+ { 8-.-> r4 }
+ >> | \bar "||"
+ a''2. gs4. a | b4. ~ b4 a16( gs) fs4. ~ fs16 b fs e d cs |
+ b4. ~ b8. b16 e( fs)\glissando a8 gs-. fs-. gs8. fs16\glissando( e fs) |
+ fs4. ~ fs8. fs16( gs fs) es4. cs8. cs16 b( as) |
+ \bar "||"
+ \key gs \minor
+ <<
+ { gs4. } \\
+ { 8 gs16 gs gs gs }
+ >>
+ 8 gs16 gs 8 8 gs16 gs gs gs gs8 b as |
+ 8 gs16 gs gs gs 8 gs16 gs 8 8 gs16 gs gs gs ds'8 fs gs |
+ 8 gs16 gs gs gs 8 gs16 gs 8 8 gs16 gs gs gs gs8 b as |
+ 8 gs16 gs gs gs 8 gs16 gs 8 8 gs16 gs gs gs gs16 b cs ds fs gs |
+ 8 gs16 gs gs gs 8 gs16 gs 8 8 gs16 gs gs gs gs8 b as |
+ 8 gs16 gs gs gs 8 gs16 gs 8 8 gs16 gs gs gs ds'8 fs gs |
+ 8 gs16 gs gs gs 8 gs16 gs 8 8 gs16 gs gs gs gs8 b as |
+ 8 gs16 gs gs gs 8 gs16 gs 8
+ \tuplet 9/6 4. {
+ gs'16 b cs ds fs gs b( gs) fs
+ ds cs b cs ds fs ds cs b
+ }
+ |
+ \key bf \minor
+ <<
+ { bf4. } \\
+ { bf,8 bf16 c df af }
+ >>
+ bf8 bf16 c df af bf8 bf16 c df af bf c df ef f bf |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { bf,8 bf16 c df af } bf' af f af f ef |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { bf8 bf16 af f af } bf gf' f ef df c |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { bf8 bf16 af f af } bf c df ef f gf |
+ bf8 bf16 f bf, f' c'8 c16 f, bf, f' df'8 df16 f, bf, f' c'8 c16 f, bf, f' |
+ bf8 bf16 f bf, f' af8 af16 f bf, f' g8 g16 f bf, f' gf f ef df c bf |
+ af8. ef' af4. bf8. g ef4. | df8. af' ef'4. d,8. b' es4. |
+ \key fs \minor
+ \time 9/8
+ a,16 gs a fs b gs a fs a gs a fs b gs a fs gs a |
+ gs fs gs e a fs gs e gs fs gs e a fs gs e fs gs |
+ fs e d e d cs d e fs gs a gs fs e d e d cs |
+ d e fs gs a b gs a b cs d e b cs d es fs gs |
+ a gs a fs b gs a fs a gs a fs b gs a fs gs a |
+ gs fs gs e a fs gs e gs fs gs e a fs gs e fs gs |
+ \grace gs8( a4. gs) fs |
+ \grace d8( e4. d) cs |
+ \time 12/8
+ \key b \minor
+ %{
+ \tempo \markup {
+ \concat {
+ \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note {4.} #1
+ " = "
+ \smaller \general-align #Y #DOWN \note {2.} #1
+ }
+ }
+ \grace s16 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4. = 106
+ \repeat unfold 4 { b,8 b16 b b8 b b b } |
+ b8 b16 b b8 fs'8 e d b b16 b b8 cs d a |
+ b8 b16 b b8 fs'8 e d b g fs e g a |
+ b8 b16 b b8 fs'8 e d b b16 b b8 cs d a |
+ b8 b16 b b8 fs'8 e d b g fs e fs g |
+ a8 a16 a a8 fs' g d a a16 a a8 e' fs g |
+ a,8 a16 a a8 fs' g d e fs g a g fs |
+ a,8 a16 a a8 fs' g d a a16 a a8 e' fs g |
+ a,8 a16 a a8 fs' g d e fs g a16 g fs e d cs |
+ %}
+ \bar "||"
+ a,16[ 16 r r ] r [ r r ] r [ r r ] r [ r b cs( d)] |
+ a[ 16 r r ] r [ r r ] r [ r r ] r [ r b fs'( e)] |
+ a,[ 16 r r ] r [ r r ] r [ r r ] r [ r b cs( d)] |
+ a[ 16 r r ] a[ r r ] a[ r r a] \tuplet 9/6 { d' cs b a g fs e d cs } |
+ \repeat unfold 2 { b cs d fs b cs d cs b fs d cs } |
+ b a cs d e g fs d e fs g a b d cs a b a g fs e d cs b |
+ 2. 4. ~ q4 e16( fs) |
+ 2. 4. |
+ \key e \minor
+vocalMelody = \relative c' {
+ \partial 2 r2 |
+ R1*16 |
+ R1.*32 |
+ \bar "||"
+ fs4.^"verse" ~ fs4 fs8 cs'4. ~ cs8 b a | b4. ~ b8 b a b16( as fs4) r4. |
+ r4. fs cs' ~ cs8 cs ds | e4. fs8 e e e16( ds cs4) r4. |
+ fs,4. ~ fs4 fs8 cs'4. ~ cs8 b a | b4. ~ b8 b a b16( as) fs4 r4. |
+ e2. ds4. r4 b16( cs) | cs2. r2. |
+ fs4. ~ fs4 fs8 cs'4. ~ cs8 b a | b4. ~ b4 a8 b16( as fs4) r4. |
+ r4. fs4 fs8 cs'4. ~ cs8 cs ds | e4. fs8 e e e16( ds cs4) r4. |
+ fs,4. ~ fs4 fs8 cs'4. ~ cs8 b a | b4. ~ b8 b a b16( as) fs4 r4. |
+ e2. ds4. r4 b16( cs) | cs2. r2. |
+ R1.*4 |
+ \key gs \minor
+ gs'4. ~ gs4 gs8 ds'4. ~ ds8 cs b | cs4. ~ cs4 b8 cs16( bs gs4) r4. |
+ r4. gs4. ds'4. ~ ds8 ds es | fs4. gs8 fs fs fs16( es ds4) r4. |
+ gs,4. ~ gs4 gs8 ds'4. ~ ds8 cs b | cs4. ~ cs8 cs b cs16( bs) gs4 r4. |
+ fs2. es4. r4 cs16( ds) | ds4. r r2. |
+ \key bf \minor
+ bf'4. ~ bf4 bf8 f'4. ~ f8 ef df | ef4. ~ ef8 ef df ef16( d bf4) r4. |
+ r4. bf4. f'4. ~ f8 f g | af4. bf8 af af af16( g f4) r4. |
+ bf,4. ~ bf4 bf8 f'4. ~ f8 ef df | ef4. ~ ef8 ef df ef16( d) bf4 r4. |
+ af2. g4. r4 ef16( f) | f4. r4. r2. |
+ \key fs \minor
+ R1*9/8*8 |
+ \key b\minor
+ b4. ~ b4 b8 fs'4. ~ fs8 e d | e4. ~ e8 e d e16( ds b4) r4. |
+ r4. b4. fs'4. ~ fs8 fs gs | a4. b8 a a a16( gs fs4) r4. |
+ b,4. ~ b4 b8 fs'4. ~ fs8 e d | e4. ~ e8 e d e16( ds) b4 r4. |
+ a2. gs4. r4 e16( fs) | fs4. r4. r2. |
+allTheLyrics = \lyricmode {
+ Still __ a -- live __ by no means __ of my own. __
+ Tied down __ by the threats of the un -- known. __
+ Kept __ a -- float __ by the wings __ of the an -- gels,
+ wait -- ing for __ you.
+ Still __ a -- live __ not yet o -- ver -- thrown. __
+ Hyp -- no -- tized __ by the throw of the glass stone. __
+ Held __ a -- loft __ by the wings __ of the an -- gels,
+ wait -- ing for __ you.
+ Still __ a -- live __ but the grass __ has grown. __
+ Time flies __ but my bird still has not flown. __
+ Picked __ a -- part __ by the whims __ of the an -- gels,
+ wait -- ing for __ you.
+ Still __ a -- live __ at the feet __ of your throne. __
+ Tired eyes, __ seek -- ing peace, reap what they've sown. __
+ Gone __ in -- sane __ from the wrath __ of the an -- gels,
+ wait -- ing for __ you.
+ % --- %
+ Still __ a -- live, __ bor -- rowed time, __ not my own. __
+ Now mute, __ not a gasp __ can't e -- ven groan. __
+ Tor -- tured soul, __ by the hands __ of the an -- gels,
+ wait -- ing for __ you.
+ Still __ a -- live __ but I won't be a -- lone. __
+ And I __ won't for -- get __ all that you've shown. __
+ Death __ will come, __ at the will __ of the an -- gels,
+ wait -- ing for __ you.
+ Still a -- live in the dark and un -- known. __
+ Wait -- ing for __ you.
+guitarStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" midiMaximumVolume = #0.6 } {
+ \global
+ \guitar
+vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #0.7 } {
+ <<
+ \new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody }
+ \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" {
+ \allTheLyrics
+ }
+ >>
+chordExceptionMusic = {
+ 1-\markup { "maj9" }
+ 1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" }
+ 1-\markup { "m7sus4" }
+ 1-\markup { "°7" }
+ 1-\markup { \super { "ø7" } }
+ 1-\markup { "add9" }
+ 1-\markup { "m(add9)" }
+ 1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } }
+ 1-\markup { "5" }
+ 1-\markup { "7" }
+ 1-\markup { "maj7" }
+ 1-\markup { "m7" }
+ 1-\markup { "sus4" }
+ 1-\markup { "sus2" }
+ 1-\markup { "7" \super { \flat "9" } }
+ 1-\markup { "add11" }
+chordExceptions = #(append
+ (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t)
+ ignatzekExceptions
+chordValues = \chordmode {
+ \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
+ \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup "maj7"
+ \partial 2 r2 |
+ R1*16 |
+ fs1.:m | b:m | e | fs2.:m cs:7 |
+ fs1.:m | d2. a | e2. e4.:sus4 e | fs2.:m a4. b |
+ \repeat unfold 2 { cs4.:7 q16 d4:maj7 q16 cs4:7 b8 cs4.:7 | }
+ cs4.:7 q16 d4.:maj7 e4 q16 q4. | es1.:dim7 |
+ fs1.:1.5 | q | q | a2. b |
+ fs1.:m | b:m | e | fs2.:m cs:7 |
+ fs1.:m | d2. a | e2. e4.:sus4 e | fs2.:m a4. b |
+ \repeat unfold 2 { cs4.:7 q16 d4:maj7 q16 cs4:7 b8 cs4.:7 | }
+ cs4.:7 q16 d4.:maj7 e4 q16 q4. | es2.:dim7 cs2.:1.5 |
+ fs1.:m | q | q | q |
+ \repeat unfold 8 fs1.:m |
+ \repeat unfold 6 fs1.:m |
+ e2. b |
+ \repeat unfold 3 { fs8.:1.5 e:1.5 } fs4.:1.5 |
+ fs1.:m | b:m | e | fs2.:m cs4. ds:/fss |
+ \repeat unfold 8 { gs1.:m }
+ \repeat unfold 6 { bf1.:m } | af2. ef | df2. d:dim7 |
+ fs2.:m q4. | e2. q4. | d2. q4. | a:maj7 b:m6 cs:7 |
+ fs2.:m q4. | e2. q4. | d2.:maj7 q4. | e2.:m6 fs4.:7 |
+ b1.:m | q | q | q |
+chordNames = \new ChordNames {
+ \set chordChanges = ##t
+ \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
+ \chordValues
+\score {
+ <<
+ \chordNames
+ \vox
+ \guitarStaff
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ \context {
+ \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
+ \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
+ \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
+ \override Glissando.thickness = #2
+ \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
+ }
+ }
+\score {
+ \unfoldRepeats {
+ <<
+ % \vox
+ \guitarStaff
+ >>
+ }
+ \midi {}
diff --git a/album3/fs-minor-thing.pdf b/album3/fs-minor-thing.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19eb2c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/album3/fs-minor-thing.pdf differ
diff --git a/album3/irish-reel.ly b/album3/irish-reel.ly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f76234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album3/irish-reel.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+\version "2.22.1"
+\language "english"
+#(set-global-staff-size 18)
+\header {
+ title = "Irish Reel"
+ composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
+ tagline = ""
+\paper {
+ % system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0.1) (padding . 4))
+global = {
+ \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
+ % \numericTimeSignature
+ \compressEmptyMeasures
+ \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
+ \override Score.ChordName.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
+ \override Score.ChordName.font-size = #0
+ \override Score.LyricText.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
+ \override Score.LyricText.font-size = #0
+ \tempo 2 = 120
+ \key d \dorian
+dRiff = \relative c' {
+ d4 a'8 b c b a c | b a g b a4 c, |
+ d4 a'8 b c b a c | b a b g a4 a,8( c) |
+ d4 a'8 b c b a c | b a g b a4 c, |
+beginning = \relative c' {
+ \dRiff
+ d4 a'8 b c d e f | e d c b a g f e |
+ a,4 d8 e f e d c | d c a g a g f g |
+ a4 d8 e f g f e | f e d c d e f g |
+ a4 d,8 e f e d c | d c a g a g f g |
+ a4 d8 e f g a b | c b a g a g e c |
+ \dRiff
+ d4 a'8 b c b a g | f e d c b a g f |
+ e4 e'8 f gs a gs f | gs f e d e f e d |
+ e,4 e'8 f gs a gs f | gs f e d c b a f |
+ e4 e'8 f gs a gs f | gs f e d e f e d |
+ e, gs a b d e f gs | a b d e f gs a b |
+guitarOne = \relative c' {
+ \time 2/2
+ \global
+ \repeat volta 2 {
+ \beginning
+ }
+ \alternative {
+ {
+ \repeat volta 2 { a2 4. q8 ~ | q4 ~ q8 q q q | }
+ \repeat volta 2 { a,2 4. q8 ~ | q4 ~ q8 q q q | }
+ \repeat volta 2 { a,2 4. q8 ~ | q4 ~ q8 q q q | }
+ f4 g c e, g c c, d | g bf, d a' 1\arpeggio ~ |
+ q1\laissezVibrer |
+ c'8 b a g f e d c |
+ d' c b a g f e d |
+ e' d c b a g f e |
+ }
+ {
+ \repeat volta 2 { a,2 4. q8 ~ | q4 ~ q8 q q q | }
+ }
+ }
+ \repeat volta 2 { a,2 4. q8 ~ | q4 ~ q8 q q q | }
+ \repeat volta 2 { a,2 4. q8 ~ | q4 ~ q8 q q q | }
+ 8( b) q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff 8( b) |
+ q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff 8( b) q |
+ 1\laissezVibrer |
+ \tuplet 3/2 4 { c'8[ b a] g[ fs e] d![ c b] a[ g fs] } |
+ \bar "||"
+ e4 e'8 fs g fs e g |
+ fs e d fs e4 << \new CueVoice { 4 | } \\ { s4 | s4 } >>
+ e8 fs g fs e g |
+ fs e fs d e4 << \new CueVoice { 4 | } \\ { s4 | s4 } >>
+ e8 fs g fs e g fs e d fs e4 << \new CueVoice { 4 | } \\ { s4 | s4 } >>
+ e8 fs g a b c d c b a g e fs c |
+ b4 a'8 b c b a d | c b a c b4 << \new CueVoice { 4 | } \\ { s4 | s4 } >>
+ a'8 b c b a c | b g e g fs4 << \new CueVoice { 4 | } \\ { s4 | s4 } >>
+ a'8 b c b a d | c b a c b4 << \new CueVoice { 4 | } \\ { s4 | s4 } >>
+ b8 c ds e fs g | a b c ds e fs g a |
+ \break
+ \relative c' {
+ \repeat volta 4 {
+ 4 \xNotesOn q8 q \xNotesOff 4 4 |
+ \xNotesOn q8 q \xNotesOff 4 4-> \xNotesOn q8 q^"4x" \xNotesOff
+ }
+ 4-> r4 a''8( g) f f( d) c c( a) g g( e) c |
+ d4-> a'8 b c b a g | f e d c d e f c |
+ 2 r2 |
+ }
+ \bar "|."
+guitarOneStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (steel)" } \guitarOne
+\score {
+ <<
+ \guitarOneStaff
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ % indent = #0
+ \context {
+ % \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
+ % \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
+ % \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
+ }
+ }
+\score {
+ \unfoldRepeats {
+ <<
+ \guitarOneStaff
+ >>
+ }
+ \midi {}
diff --git a/album3/irish-reel.pdf b/album3/irish-reel.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1d30e0
Binary files /dev/null and b/album3/irish-reel.pdf differ
diff --git a/album3/something.ly b/album3/something.ly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76f5f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/album3/something.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+\version "2.22.1"
+\language "english"
+\header {
+ title = "Something"
+ composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
+ copyright = "(c) 2022 Tommy Montgomery"
+global = {
+ \key cs \minor
+ \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
+ \numericTimeSignature
+ \compressEmptyMeasures
+ \omit Voice.StringNumber
+ \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
+ \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
+ \override Score.ChordName.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
+ \override Score.ChordName.font-size = #0
+ \override Score.LyricText.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
+ \override Score.LyricText.font-size = #0
+ \tempo 4 = 60
+guitarOne = \relative c' {
+ \repeat unfold 2 {
+ \repeat unfold 2 { cs16 gs' b ds e ds b gs } |
+ \repeat unfold 2 { gs, gs' ds' b e b ds gs, } |
+ }
+ \repeat unfold 2 { b, fs' b ds e ds b fs } |
+ \repeat unfold 2 { a, e' gs b fs' b, gs e } |
+ e, b' fs' b, a' fs b a e' a, b fs a b, fs' b, |
+ e, b' e b gs' e b' gs e' gs, b e, gs b, e e, |
+ \repeat unfold 2 { fs cs' fs a e' b a fs } |
+ e, b' e gs fs' b, gs e e, b' e gs e' b gs e
+ \repeat unfold 2 { fs, cs' fs a e' b a fs } |
+ gs, a' cs fs gs fs cs a gs, gs' bs ds gs4 |
+vocalMelody = \relative c' {
+ R1*12 |
+ % verse 1
+ r2 cs8 ds e cs16 gs' ~ | gs4 r4 gs8 fs e ds16 cs ~ |
+ cs4 r4 cs8 ds e cs16 gs' ~ | gs4 fs8 r8 gs8 fs e fs16 fs ~ |
+ fs4 r4 r2 |
+allTheLyrics = \lyricmode {
+ Lay -- ing wide a -- wake, __ no -- thing seems to change. __
+ All I've got to say __ is ne -- ver worth the time. __
+guitarOneStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" midiMaximumVolume = #0.6 }{ \global \guitarOne }
+vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #0.7 } {
+ <<
+ \new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody }
+ >>
+demLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" {
+ <<
+ \new Lyrics {
+ \set associatedVoice = "vocalMelody"
+ \allTheLyrics
+ }
+ >>
+chordExceptionMusic = {
+ 1-\markup { "maj9" }
+ 1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" }
+ 1-\markup { "m7sus4" }
+ 1-\markup { "°7" }
+ 1-\markup { \super { "ø7" } }
+ 1-\markup { "add9" }
+ 1-\markup { "m(add9)" }
+ 1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } }
+ 1-\markup { "5" }
+ 1-\markup { "7" }
+ 1-\markup { "maj7" }
+ 1-\markup { "m7" }
+ 1-\markup { "sus4" }
+ 1-\markup { "sus2" }
+ 1-\markup { "7" \super { \flat "9" } }
+ 1-\markup { "add11" }
+chordExceptions = #(append
+ (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t)
+ ignatzekExceptions
+verseChords = \chordmode {
+ \repeat unfold 2 { cs1:m9 | gs:1.3-.5.6- | }
+ b: | a:maj9 | e: | e |
+ fs:m | e | fs:m | gs2: gs |
+chordValues = \chordmode {
+ \global
+ \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
+ \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup "maj7"
+ \verseChords
+ \verseChords
+chordNames = \new ChordNames {
+ \set chordChanges = ##t
+ \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
+ \chordValues
+\score {
+ <<
+ \chordNames
+ \vox
+ \demLyrics
+ \guitarOneStaff
+ >>
+ \layout {
+ indent = 0
+ \context {
+ \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
+ \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
+ \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
+ \override Glissando.thickness = #2
+ \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
+ }
+ }
+\score {
+ \unfoldRepeats {
+ <<
+ \transpose c c, \vox
+ \transpose c c, \guitarOneStaff
+ >>
+ }
+ \midi {}
diff --git a/album3/something.pdf b/album3/something.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aaa121
Binary files /dev/null and b/album3/something.pdf differ