finished cello part

This commit is contained in:
tmont 2014-09-19 21:22:19 -07:00
parent 2d9421aa3e
commit b5e6783d32
2 changed files with 40 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ global = {
} }
keyChange = { keyChange = {
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\key c \major \key c \major
} }
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ violinMainTheme = {
celloMainTheme = { celloMainTheme = {
<b gs'>1 | <fs ds'> | <cs' a'> | <b fs'> | <b gs'>1 | <fs ds'> | <cs' a'> | <b fs'> |
<a e' ~> | <gs e'> | <a fs' ~> | <b fs'> | <a e' ~> | <gs e'> | <fs fs'> | <b ~ e>2 <b ds> |
} }
right = { right = {
@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ left = {
f c' f4 f, f' | f c' f4 f, f' |
c,8 g' c4 c, c' | c,8 g' c4 c, c' |
bf,8 f' bf4 bf,8 f' bf4 | bf,8 f' bf4 bf,8 f' bf4 |
bf,8 f' bf c, g' c c, g' | c,8 g' c d, a' d d, a' |
bf,8 f' bf4 bf, bf' | bf,8 f' bf4 bf, bf' |
c,8 g' c g c,4 c' | c,8 g' c g c,4 c' |
@ -292,9 +293,8 @@ highStrings = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Violin" instrumentName = "Violin"
midiInstrument = #"violin" midiInstrument = #"violin"
} { } {
\clef treble \relative c'' {
\global \global
\clef treble \relative c'' {
\repeat unfold 8 r1 \repeat unfold 8 r1
\violinMainTheme \violinMainTheme
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ highStrings = \new Staff \with {
cs1 | ds2 cs8 ds e fs | gs2 a4 gs8 a16 gs | fs2 fs8 gs a b | cs1 | ds2 cs8 ds e fs | gs2 a4 gs8 a16 gs | fs2 fs8 gs a b |
cs2. b8 a | ds2. b8 a | cs2. b8 a | ds2. b8 a |
<< <<
{ e'1 | \ottava #'1 a1 ~ | a4 gs2.\fermata | } \\ { e'1 | \ottava #'1 a1 ~ | a2 gs2\fermata | } \\
{ s2. b,4 | <a cs e>2 <b ds fs> | <b e>1\fermata | } { s2. b,4 | <a cs e>2 <b ds fs> | <b e>1\fermata | }
>> >>
} }
@ -375,11 +375,44 @@ lowStrings = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Cello" instrumentName = "Cello"
midiInstrument = #"string ensemble 1" midiInstrument = #"string ensemble 1"
} { } {
\clef bass \relative c {
\global \global
\clef bass \relative c {
\repeat unfold 8 r1 \repeat unfold 8 r1
\celloMainTheme \celloMainTheme
<cs ~ e ~ gs>1 | <a cs e> | <e e' b'> | <b' fs'> |
<cs e gs ~> | <gs gs'> | <a a'> | ds,2 ~ <ds ds'> |
\relative c {
<e e'>1 ~ | q1 |
<c' c'>1 | <g g'>2 <c c'> | <a a'>1 | <d, d'>2 <e e'> |
<c' c'>1 | <g g'>2 <c c'> | <a a'>1 | <d d'>2 <e e'> |
<a, c e a>1 | <b d g b> | <c e g c> | <d f a d> |
<c e a c> | <b d g b> | <c e ~ g c> | <b e gs b> |
<c ~ f a c> | <g c e g> | <bf f' bf d> | << { <g' c e>1 } \\ { c,4. d8 ~ d2 } >> |
<bf f' bf d>1 | <c g' c e> | <d ~ g a ~ d ~> | <d fs a d> |
<e, e'>2 q2 | <d d'> <e e'> | q2 q2 | <d d'> <c c'> |
<e e'>4 r4 <e e'>4 r4 | <d d'>4 r4 <e e'>4 r4 |
<e e'>4 r4 <e e'>4 r4 | <d d'>4 r4 <c c'>2 |
<b b'>1 ~ | q1 | q1 ~ | q1 |
\key e \major
\relative c { \repeat unfold 2 \celloMainTheme }
<a' cs e gs>1 | <b ds fs> | <gs b ds gs> | <fs a cs fs> |
<cs' e gs cs> | <ds fs a bs> | <e gs b?> | <a, a'>2 <b b'> |
<e, e'>1\fermata |
} }
} }
@ -387,8 +420,8 @@ brass = \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "Trumpet" instrumentName = "Trumpet"
midiInstrument = #"brass section" midiInstrument = #"brass section"
} { } {
\clef treble \relative c {
\global \global
\clef treble \relative c {
\repeat unfold 32 r1 \repeat unfold 32 r1
} }
} }

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