still alive tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ guitar = \relative c'' {
<cs gs' b es>8 \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff <b fs' \xNote a ds>8 <cs gs' b es> \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff |
<cs gs' b es>8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff q\glissando( <d a' cs fs>) \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff
q\glissando( <e! b' \xNote e gs>) \xNotesOn q q q q \xNotesOff q8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff |
<es b' d gs>8 q q q->-. r8 cs'32 es gs cs b8-. a-. gs-.
<cs gs' b es>8 \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff <b fs' \xNote a ds>8 <cs gs' b es>8 \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff <d! a' cs fs> q |
<e b' gs'>8 q q <es b' d gs>8->-. r8 cs'32 es gs cs b8-. a-. gs-.
a[ \tuplet 3/2 { gs16( a \set stemRightBeamCount = #1 gs) } \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 fs16( e)] |
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ vocalMelody = \relative c' {
r4. fs4 fs8 cs'4. ~ cs8 cs ds | e4. fs8 e e e16( ds cs4) r4. |
fs,4. ~ fs4 fs8 cs'4. ~ cs8 b a | b4. ~ b8 b a b16( as) fs4 r4. |
e2. ds4. r4 b16( cs) | cs2. r2. |
gs'2. a4. r4 b16( a) | a16( gs fs4 ~ fs4.) r2. |
gs'2. a4. r4 b16( a) | a16( gs fs4 ~ fs4) r8 fs4. gs |
<\tweak font-size -2 d a' \tweak font-size -2 e'>2.
<\tweak font-size -2 e b' \tweak font-size -2 d>4. r4
@ -422,45 +422,45 @@ vocalMelody = \relative c' {
allTheLyrics = \lyricmode {
Still __ a -- live __ by no means __ of my own. __
Tied down __ by the threats of the un -- known. __
Kept __ a -- float __ by the wings __ of the an -- gels,
Kept __ a -- float __ by the whim __ of a strang -- er,
wait -- ing for __ you.
Still __ a -- live __ not yet o -- ver -- thrown. __
Hyp -- no -- tized __ by the throw of the glass stone. __
Held __ a -- loft __ by the wings __ of the an -- gels,
Hyp -- no -- tized, __ but I can't leave it a -- lone. __
Held __ a -- loft __ by the strength __ of a strang -- er,
wait -- ing for __ you.
Still __ a -- live __ but the grass __ has grown. __
Time flies __ but my bird still has not flown. __
Picked __ a -- part __ by the whims __ of the an -- gels,
Picked __ a -- part __ by the words __ of a strang -- er,
wait -- ing for __ you.
Still __ a -- live __ at the feet __ of your throne. __
Tired eyes, __ seek -- ing peace, reap what they've sown. __
Gone __ in -- sane __ from the wrath __ of the an -- gels,
Gone __ in -- sane __ from the wrath __ of a strang -- er,
wait -- ing for __ you.
% --- %
Still __ a -- live, __ bor -- rowed time, __ not my own. __
Now mute, __ not a gasp __ can't e -- ven moan. __
Tor -- tured soul, __ by the hands __ of the an -- gels,
Bro -- ken mind, __ by the hands __ of a strang -- er,
wait -- ing for __ you.
Still __ a -- live __ but I won't __ be a -- lone. __
And I __ won't for -- get all that you've shown. __
Death __ will come, __ at the will __ of the an -- gels,
Death __ will come, __ at the will __ of a strang -- er,
wait -- ing for __ you.
Wait -- ing for you.
Still __ a -- live __ in the dark __ and un -- known. __
Can't for -- get, __ but I still can't yet a -- tone. __
Dumb __ and blind __ from the voice __ of the an -- gels,
Free __ at last __ from the yoke __ of a strang -- er,
Wait -- ing for __ you.
Wait -- ing for __ you. __
Wait -- ing for you.
I'm still wait -- ing for you.
guitarStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" midiMaximumVolume = #0.6 } {
@ -512,12 +512,12 @@ chordValues = \chordmode {
fs1.:m | d2. a | e2. e4.:sus4 e | fs2.:m a4. b |
\repeat unfold 2 { cs4.:7 q16 d4:maj7 q16 cs4:7 b8 cs4.:7 | }
cs4.:7 q16 d4.:maj7 e4 q16 q4. | es1.:dim7 |
cs4.:7 q16 d4:maj7 q16 cs4:7 b8 cs4:7 d8:maj7 | e4. es2.:dim7 q4. |
fs1.:m | q | q | q |
% verse 1
fs1.:m | q | q | q | q | q | q | q |
fs1.:m | q | q | q | q | q | e2. b | fs1.:m |
% verse 2
fs1.:m | q | q | q | q | q | e2. b | fs1.:m |
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