\version "2.20.0" \language "english" \header { title = "Call Your Girlfriend" composer = "Robyn" } global = { \key fs \minor \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \numericTimeSignature \compressFullBarRests \omit Voice.StringNumber \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3 \override Score.ChordName.font-name = #"Noto Serif" \override Score.ChordName.font-size = #0 \override Score.LyricText.font-name = #"Noto Serif" \override Score.LyricText.font-size = #0 \tempo 4 = 120 } accompanimentChorus = \relative c { << { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 d d d } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 d d d } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a a a } | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp fs'1 | cs'2 b | a1 | cs,2 e | } >> << { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 d d d } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a a a } | \repeat unfold 2 { r16 d d d } \repeat unfold 2 { r16 a a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp a'1 | cs2 b | a1 | fs2 a | } >> } accompaniment = \relative c { \clef bass % intro \repeat unfold 8 { r16 d, d d } | % chorus 1 \repeat unfold 3 { << { 1 | | } \\ { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 d, d d } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a a a } | } >> } << { 2 | 1 | } \\ { \repeat unfold 2 { r16 d d d } \repeat unfold 2 { r16 a a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | } >> 2 | | << { 1 ~ | q2 r2 | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs' fs fs } } \new CueVoice { s1 | \stemUp a'2 gs2 | fs1 | } >> | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e, e e } | \repeat unfold 8 { r16 a a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 d, d d } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e e e } | << { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a, a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e' e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp a'2 gs2 | e1 | gs1 | a1 | } >> | \repeat unfold 2 { r16 d,, d d } \repeat unfold 2 { r16 e e e } | << { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a, a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e' e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | \repeat unfold 2 { r16 fs fs fs } \repeat unfold 2 { r16 e e e } | \stemDown d1 ~ | d2\glissando \cadenzaOn \hideNotes d,4 \unHideNotes \cadenzaOff r2 | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp e''1 | gs1 | a1 | e2 cs | a1 ~ | a2\glissando \cadenzaOn \hideNotes a,4 \unHideNotes \cadenzaOff s2 | } >> % chorus 2 \accompanimentChorus << { 2 | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp b1 | } >> 2 | % verse 2 << { 1 ~ | q2. r4 | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs' fs fs } | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp s1 | a'2 gs | fs1 | } >> \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e, e e } | \repeat unfold 8 { r16 a a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 d, d d } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e e e } | << { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a, a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e' e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp a'2 gs2 | e1 | gs1 | a1 | } >> | \repeat unfold 2 { r16 d,, d d } \repeat unfold 2 { r16 e e e } | << { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a, a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e' e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | \repeat unfold 2 { r16 fs fs fs } \repeat unfold 2 { r16 e e e } | \stemDown d1 ~ | d2\glissando \cadenzaOn \hideNotes d,4 \unHideNotes \cadenzaOff r2 | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp e''1 | gs1 | a1 | e2 cs | a1 ~ | a2\glissando \cadenzaOn \hideNotes a,4 \unHideNotes \cadenzaOff s2 | } >> % chorus 3 \accompanimentChorus \clef treble << { 2 | | 1 | 4. 8 ~ q4 | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp r16 b' e a r b, e fs r b, fs' e r b e fs | r a, e' d r a d e r a, e' d r b e a | \repeat unfold 2 { r b, e a r b, e fs r b, e a r b, e b' | } } >> \clef bass 2 | | << { 1 ~ | q1 | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp r1 | r8 b' b b b b b b | } >> \bar "||" % interlude \clef treble b'8 b b a a a a a | a a a gs gs gs b16 e gs, b | a gs cs a e' cs cs e a, cs e, a cs, e a, cs | cs a a' e cs' a b cs a b cs a e' cs a' e | d4 r16 fs f8\glissando e16 ef d8 d16 d cs8\glissando | b16 b b8 b16 b b8 b16 a a8 a16 a a8 | a16 gs gs8 gs16 gs gs gs gs' b, e gs a,8 a | \clef bass % pre-chorus << { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e, e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a, a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e' e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp a'2 gs2 | e1 | gs1 | a1 | } >> | \repeat unfold 2 { r16 d,, d d } \repeat unfold 2 { r16 e e e } | << { \repeat unfold 4 { r16 a, a a } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 e' e e } | \repeat unfold 4 { r16 fs fs fs } | \repeat unfold 2 { r16 fs fs fs } \repeat unfold 2 { r16 e e e } | \stemDown d1 ~ | d2 r2 | } \new CueVoice { \stemUp e'1 | gs1 | a1 | e2 cs | a1 ~ | a2 s2 | } >> % chorus 4 \accompanimentChorus 2 | | 1\fermata | } vocalChorus = \relative c' { % ... girlfriend <\tweak font-size #-3 d fs \tweak font-size #-3 a>4.^"chorus" <\tweak font-size #-3 cs e \tweak font-size #-3 a>8 ~ q2 | r2 r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | <\tweak font-size #-3 d fs \tweak font-size #-3 a>4. <\tweak font-size #-3 cs e \tweak font-size #-3 a>8 ~ q4 <\tweak font-size #-3 a cs \tweak font-size #-3 fs> ~ | q4 r4 r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs' a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | <\tweak font-size #-3 d fs \tweak font-size #-3 a>4. <\tweak font-size #-3 cs e \tweak font-size #-3 a >8 ~ q2 | r2 r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | <\tweak font-size #-3 d fs \tweak font-size #-3 a>4. <\tweak font-size #-3 cs e \tweak font-size #-3 a>8 ~ q4 <\tweak font-size #-3 a cs \tweak font-size #-3 fs> ~ | q4 r4 r4 a' | b2. cs4 | cs a a8 b b4 ~ | b2. r4 | } vocalPreChorus = \relative c'' { <\tweak font-size #-3 a d>4. q8 <\tweak font-size #-3 a cs>4. q8 | <\tweak font-size #-3 gs b>4. q8 a4. a8 | <\tweak font-size #-3 a d>4. q8 <\tweak font-size #-3 a cs>4. q8 | <\tweak font-size #-3 gs b>4. q8 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>4 <\tweak font-size #-3 e a>8 q | q4 q q q8 q ~ | q4 q8 q q4 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a> ~ | q2 r8 a8 a e' | e8 e cs4 b4 a4 ~ | a2 r2 | } altMelody = \new CueVoice = "altVocalMelody" { \stemUp e'1 ~ | e4. cs8 b4. a8 ~ | a2. s4 | } altMelodyTwo = \new CueVoice = "altVocalMelody2" { \stemUp s2 s4 cs8 b | a4. a8 ~ a4 a4 ~ | a4 s4 s2 | } vocalMelody = \relative c'' { R1 | r2 r4 a8 gs | \bar "||" fs4.^"chorus" e8 ~ e2 | r2 r4 a8 gs | fs4. e8 ~ e4 cs ~ | cs4 r4 r4 a'8 gs | fs4. e8 ~ e2 | r2 r4 a8 gs | fs4. e8 ~ e4 cs ~ | cs4 r4 r4 a' | b2. cs4 | cs a a8 b b4 ~ | b1 | r4 a8 a a a a4 | \bar "||" a4 a a8 a a a | a a a a a4 gs8 a ~ | a2 r2 | r4 a8 a a a a4 | a4 a a8 a a a | <\tweak font-size #-3 fs cs'> q q q q4 <\tweak font-size #-3 e b'>8 q ~ | q2. r4 | r4 a8 a a a a b | \vocalPreChorus r2 \hideNotes r4 \unHideNotes r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | \vocalChorus r4 a8 a a a a a | \bar "||" a4^"verse" a a8 a a a | a a a a a4 gs8 a ~ | a2 r2 | r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 e a>8 q q q q q | <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>4 <\tweak font-size #-3 e a> q8 q q4 | <\tweak font-size #-3 fs cs'>8 q q4 q q8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e b'>8 ~ | q2. r4 | r4 a8 a a a a b | \vocalPreChorus r2 \hideNotes r4 \unHideNotes r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | \vocalChorus r2 r4 a4 | b2. cs4 | cs8 \parenthesize cs a4 a8 b b4 ~ | b1 ~ | b2. r4 | R1*6 | r2 r4 r8 a | a a a a a a a b | \bar "||" \vocalPreChorus << { \stemDown r2 r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | <\tweak font-size #-3 d fs \tweak font-size #-3 a>4.^"chorus" <\tweak font-size #-3 cs e \tweak font-size #-3 a>8 ~ q2 | r2 r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | } \altMelody >> \stemNeutral <\tweak font-size #-3 d, fs \tweak font-size #-3 a>4. <\tweak font-size #-3 cs e \tweak font-size #-3 a>8 ~ q4 <\tweak font-size #-3 a cs \tweak font-size #-3 fs> ~ | q4 r4 r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs' a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | <\tweak font-size #-3 d fs \tweak font-size #-3 a>4. <\tweak font-size #-3 cs e \tweak font-size #-3 a >8 ~ q2 | << { \stemDown r2 r4 <\tweak font-size #-3 fs a>8 <\tweak font-size #-3 e gs> | <\tweak font-size #-3 d fs \tweak font-size #-3 a>4. <\tweak font-size #-3 cs e \tweak font-size #-3 a>8 ~ q4 <\tweak font-size #-3 a cs \tweak font-size #-3 fs> ~ | q4 r4 r4 a' | } \altMelodyTwo >> b2. cs4 | cs a a8 b b4 ~ | b2. r4 | \bar "|." } allTheLyrics = \lyricmode { % chorus 1 Call your girl -- friend. __ \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT "(It's) time" you had the __ talk. __ Give your rea -- sons. __ Say it's not her __ fault. __ But you just met some -- bo -- dy new. __ % verse 1 Tell her not to get up -- set sec -- ond guess -- ing ev -- 'ry thing you've said and done. __ And then when she gets up -- set tell her how you ne -- ver meant to hurt no one. __ % pre-chorus 1 Then you tell her that the on -- ly way her heart will mend is when she learns to love a -- gain. And it won't make sense right now __ but you're still her friend. __ And then you let her down eas -- y. __ % chorus 2 Call your girl -- friend. __ \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT "(It's) time" you had the __ talk. __ Give your rea -- sons. __ Say it's not her __ fault. __ But you just met some -- bo -- dy new. __ % verse 2 Don't tell you her how I give you some -- thing that you ne -- ver ev -- en knew you missed. __ Don't you ev -- en try and ex -- plain how it's so diff -- er -- ent when we kiss. % pre-chorus 2 You just tell her that the on -- ly way her heart will mend is when she learns to love a -- gain. And it won't make sense right now __ but you're still her friend. __ And then you let her down eas -- y. __ % chorus 3 Call your girl -- friend. __ \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT "(It's) time" you had the __ talk. __ Give your rea -- sons. __ Say it's not her __ fault. __ But you just met some -- bo -- dy new. __ And now, it's gon -- (na) be me and you. __ % pre-chorus 3 And, and, and then you tell her that the on -- ly way her heart will mend is when she learns to love a -- gain. And it won't make sense right now __ but you're still her friend. __ And then you let her down eas -- y. __ % chorus 4 Call your girl -- friend. __ \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT "(It's) time" you had the __ talk. __ Give your rea -- sons. __ Say it's not her __ fault. __ But you just met some -- bo -- dy new. __ } accompanimentStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "electric piano 2" midiMaximumVolume = #0.6 }{ \global \accompaniment } vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #0.7 } { << \new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" { \allTheLyrics } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altVocalMelody" { \set fontSize = #-2 Call __ your girl -- friend. __ } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altVocalMelody2" { \set fontSize = #-2 Say it's not her __ fault. __ } >> } mainLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" { << \new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "vocalMelody" \allTheLyrics } >> } chordExceptionMusic = { 1-\markup { "maj9" } 1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" } 1-\markup { "m7sus4" } 1-\markup { "°7" } 1-\markup { \super { "ø7" } } 1-\markup { "add9" } 1-\markup { "m(add9)" } 1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } } 1-\markup { "5" } 1-\markup { "7" } 1-\markup { "maj7" } 1-\markup { "m7" } 1-\markup { "sus4" } 1-\markup { "sus2" } 1-\markup { "7" \super { \flat "9" } } 1-\markup { "add11" } } chordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions ) chordValues = \chordmode { \global \powerChords \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup "maj7" d1 | q | % chorus 1 \repeat unfold 3 { d1 | a | } d2 a | fs1:m | e2 fs:m | d a | e1 | q | % verse 1 fs1:m | fs:m/e | a | a | d | fs:m | e | e | % pre-chorus 1 a | e | fs:m | d2 e | a1 | e | fs:m | q2 fs:m/e | d1 | r1 r4 | % because of the cadenza above... % chorus 2 \repeat unfold 3 { d1 | a | } d2 a | fs1:m | e2 fs:m | d a | e1 | q | % verse 2 fs1:m | fs:m/e | a | a | d | fs:m | e | e | % pre-chorus 2 a | e | fs:m | d2 e | a1 | e | fs:m | q2 fs:m/e | d1 | r1 r4 | % because of the cadenza above... % chorus 3 \repeat unfold 3 { d1 | a | } d2 a | fs1:m | e2 fs:m | d a | e1 | q | e2 fs:m | d a | e1 | q | % interlude fs1:m | fs:m/e | a | a | d | fs:m | e | e | % pre-chorus 3 a | e | fs:m | d2 e | a1 | e | fs:m | q2 fs:m/e | d1 | r1 | % because of the cadenza above... % chorus 4 \repeat unfold 3 { d1 | a | } d2 a | fs1:m | e2 fs:m | d a | e1 | } chordNames = \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions \chordValues } \score { << \chordNames \vox \accompanimentStaff >> \layout { \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4 \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods \override Glissando.thickness = #2 \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t } } } \score { \unfoldRepeats { << \vox \accompanimentStaff >> } \midi {} }