\version "2.18.2" \language "english" \header { title = "Meh" composer = "Tommy Montgomery" copyright = "(c) 2019 Tommy Montgomery" } global = { \key e \phrygian \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \numericTimeSignature \compressFullBarRests \omit Voice.StringNumber \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3 \time 4/4 \tempo 4 = 69 } introRiff = \relative c { e32 e e16 b' e, c'( b) e, a( b) e, c'( b) e, a( b8) | e,32 e e16 b' e, c'( b) e, a( b) e, c'( b) e, a( b8) | e,32 e e16 e' e, f'( e) e, d'( e) e, f'( e) e, d'( e8) | e,32 e e16 e' e, f'( e) e, a'( gs) e, c''( b) e,, c''( d8) | } mainRiff = \relative c { e32 e e16 <b' e> e, <c' f>( <b e>) e, <a d>( <b e>) e, <c' f>( <b e>) e, <a d>( <b e>8) | e,32 e e16 <b' e> e, <c' f>( <b e>) e, <a d>( <b e>) e, <c' f>( <b e>) e, <a d>( <b e>8) | e,32 e e16 <g d'> e <a e'>( <g d'>) e <fs d'>( <g d'>) e <a e'>( <g d'>) e <fs d'>( <g d'>8) | e32 e e16 <f! c'> e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <d' a' d>8. | } guitarOne = \relative c' { \introRiff \mainRiff r4 r16 e'16 gs b \grace b( c16 b8) a16 ~ a a( b) e, ~ | e4. \tuplet 3/2 { e16( f e) } d2 | r8. d32( e f16) g c d \grace e( f e8) d16 ~ d c8 b32( a) | f4 ~ f16 ds8. e2 | \tuplet 6/4 4 { e,16 f a c e f a, c e f a c e, f a c e f a, c e \ottava #1 f a c } | d2 \ottava #0 r16 f,, d a f d a f | \bar "||" \repeat unfold 2 { e32[ e e16 r e32 e] e e e16 e32 e e e e e e16 r e32 e e16 e <a' d>8 | e,32[ e e16 r e32 e] e e e16 e32 e e e e e e16 r e32 e e16 e <b'' e>8 | e,,32[ e e16 r e32 e] e e e16 e32 e e e e e e16 r e32 e e16 e <a' d>8 | e,32 e e16 <f c'> e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <d' a' d>8. | } % pre-chorus 1 << { e'4. b'16 c ~ c2 | b4. c32( b) a16 ~ a2 | e4. b'16 c ~ c2 | \grace c16( <d d>4..) \grace cs16( <ds ds>16) ~ q2 | } \\ { <e,,, b'>4. q16 <e c'> ~ q2 | <e d'>4. q16 <e cs'> ~ q2 | <e b'>4. q16 <e c'> ~ q2 | <e d'>4. q16 <e ds'> ~ q2 | } >> \introRiff \mainRiff % verse 2 \time 5/8 \set Staff.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/16) \set Staff.beamExceptions = #'() \set Staff.beatStructure = #'(2 3 3 2) e32 e e16 b' e, e c' e, e a( b) | e,32 e e16 b' e, e c' e, e a( b) | e,32 e e16 g e e a e e fs( g) | e32 e e16 g e e a e e bf'( b) | e,32 e e16 b' e, e c' e, e a( b) | e,32 e e16 b' e, e c' e, e a( b) | e,32 e e16 g e e a e e fs( g) | \set Staff.beatStructure = #'(2 4 4) e32 e e16 f e f( e) <c' f>( <b e>) <a d>8 | e32 e e16 b' c e b' c32 b a16 b e | e,,32 e e16 b' c e b' c32 b a16 b e | e,,32 e e16 a b e b' a32( gs) e16 f d' | e,,32 e e16 a b e b' a32( gs) e16 f d' | e,,32 e e16 g a cs e d32( cs) a16 b g' | e,32 e e16 g a cs e d32( cs) a16 b g' | e,32 e e16 <f c'!> e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e | <a d a' d>2 ~ q8 | % pre-chorus 2 \time 4/4 \set Staff.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4) \set Staff.beatStructure = #'(1 1 1 1) \repeat unfold 7 { <b b'>16 } \repeat unfold 9 { <c c'> } | \repeat unfold 7 { <d d'>16 } \repeat unfold 9 { <cs cs'> } | \repeat unfold 7 { <b b'>16 } \repeat unfold 9 { <c c'> } | \repeat unfold 7 { <d d'>16 } \repeat unfold 9 { <ds ds'> } | \tuplet 6/4 4 { e16 f a c e f a, c e f a c e, f a c e f a, c e \ottava #1 f a c } | d2( ds16\laissezVibrer) \ottava #0 f,, ds a f d b f | % chorus <e b' e>8. e16 a b c8 ~ c16 c b a <e b' e>8. e16 | b' c d8 ~ d16 d c b <e, b' e>8. e16 d' e f8 ~ | f16 f e d <e b'>4\glissando <e, b'>8. e32 e <b' fs'>16\glissando( <bf f'>8.) | e,32 e e16 <f! c'> e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <d' a' d>8. | <e, b' e>8 e32 e e e a16 b c8 e,32 e e e b'16 a <e b' e>8 e32 e e e | b'16 c d8 e,32 e e e c'16 b <e, b' e>8 e32 e e e d'16 e f8 | e,32 e e e e'16 d <e b'>4\glissando <e, b'>8. e32 e <b' fs'>16\glissando( <bf f'>8.) | e,32 e e16 <f! c'> e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <f c'>( <e b'>) e <b' fs' b>8. | % interlude/solo } vocalMelody = \relative c'' { \repeat unfold 18 r1 | e4.^"Verse 1" e16 e( d4) b8 b | c4 c8 c16 c( b4) r4 | e4 f f16( e8.) d8 d | c4 c8( b16) b ~ b4 r4 | \repeat unfold 4 r1 | \repeat unfold 8 r1 | % verse 2 \time 5/8 \set Staff.beamExceptions = #'() \set Staff.beatStructure = #'(2 2 1) r8^"Verse 2" b b8. a16 ~ a8 | a b c8. c16 ~ c8 | c16( b) b4 r4 | R1*5/8 | r8 b b8. a16 ~ a8 | a b c8. c16 ~ c8 | c16( b) b4 r4 | R1*5/8 | } allTheLyrics = \lyricmode { Hear the cries __ of the ear -- ly to rise__. Spread -- ing lies __ as the he -- ro __ dies. __ Some -- day soon __ may your wish be __ grant -- ed. Too young to __ know the seeds you've __ plant -- ed. } guitarOneStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" }{ \global \guitarOne } vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" } { << \new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody } >> } demLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" { << \new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "vocalMelody" \allTheLyrics } >> } chordExceptionMusic = { <c e g b d'>1-\markup { "maj9" } <c e g b fs'>1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" } <c ef f g bf>1-\markup { "m7sus4" } <c ef gf bff>1-\markup { "°7" } <c e g d'>1-\markup { "add9" } <c ef g d'>1-\markup { "m(add9)" } <c e fs as>1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } } <c g>1-\markup { "5" } <c e g b>1-\markup { "maj7" } <c f g>1-\markup { "sus4" } <c d g>1-\markup { "sus2" } } chordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions ) chordValues = \chordmode { \global \powerChords \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup "maj7" \repeat unfold 4 r1 | r1 | r1 | r1 | r2. r16 d8.:1.5 | e1 | d4.:m e8:7/d q2 | c2 g2 | b2:1.3.5-.7/f e2 | f1: | d:m | e1:1.5 | q | q | q2. q16 d8.:1.5 | % verse 1 e1:1.5 | q | q | q2. q16 d8.:1.5 | e4.. c16 q2 | g4.. a16 q2 | e4.. a16:m q2 | d4..:m b16:1.3.5-.7/f q2 | \repeat unfold 4 r1 | e1:1.5 | q | q | q2. q16 d8.:1.5 | % verse 2 \repeat unfold 8 { r2 r8 } a2:m/e q8 | q2 q8 | e2: q8 | q2 q8 | a2:7 q8 | q2 q8 | f2:1.5 q8 | d2:1.5 q8 | % pre-chorus e4.. c16 q2 | g4.. a16 q2 | e4.. a16:m q2 | d4..:m b16:1.3.5-.7/f q2 | f1: | d2:m b:1.3.5-.7/f | % chorus } chordNames = \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions \chordValues } \score { << \chordNames \vox \demLyrics \guitarOneStaff >> \layout { \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4 \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods \override Glissando.thickness = #2 \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t } } } \score { \unfoldRepeats { << \transpose c c, \vox \transpose c c, \guitarOneStaff >> } \midi {} }