\version "2.18.2" \language "english" \header { title = "Silence" composer = "Tommy Montgomery" copyright = "(c) 2017 Tommy Montgomery" } global = { \key e \mixolydian \time 4/4 \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \numericTimeSignature \compressFullBarRests \omit Voice.StringNumber \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3 } guitarOne = \relative c { \tempo 4 = 64 \arpeggioArrowDown <e b' fs' gs b e>4.\arpeggio \arpeggioNormal e16 b' fs' gs b e b gs fs b, | <e, c' e a b e>4\arpeggio ~ q16 e''16 b a e8 c'16 b a g fs d | <e, b' e gs b e>4.\arpeggio <b'' e>8 ~ q4 e,,8 e'16\glissando( fs) ~ | <fs b e>4. fs16\glissando( g) ~ <g c d e>2 | \repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 7 r1 | r2 r4 r8 <a, e' a b e>8 ~ | q4 fs'16 b d g, c b a d e c e a | << { b1 } \\ { b,,16 c b a b fs g f ~ f2 } >> | % chorus \key e \minor <e b'>4. <fs d'>8 ~ q2 | <g d'>4. <a e'>8 ~ q4 \tuplet 6/4 { b16( c b) a g fs } | <e b'>4. <fs cs'>8 ~ q2 | <g d'>4. <f c'>8\laissezVibrer << { <f c'>16 f'16 c'8\glissando( d4) } \\ { s16 f,8 g16 ~ g4 } >> | } <a, e'>4. <b g'>8 ~ q2 | <c g'>4. <d a'>8 ~ q8 b16 c b a g fs | <e b'>4. <fs d'>8 ~ q2 | g8. b16 ~ b8 e16 cs a4 d16 cs <b fs'>8 ~ | q8 q16 q q q q q q8 r ds'16^"guitar solo" e fs d \bar "||" | b4 ~ b16\glissando( e) a\glissando( b) ~ b4. a16( b) c4( b16) <a, a'>16 q\glissando( <gs gs'>) <b b'>8 \tuplet 3/2 { e,16( g) b } \tuplet 6/4 { g' e b' a e' d } | fs4 fs8 g16 e ~ e4 <bf d>16( <a cs>) <g b> e16 ~ | e a,\glissando( gs) e ~ e4 \tuplet 6/4 { g16 a b cs d e } fs32 g a b cs d e fs \bar "||" | \key ef \major g4 g8 ef16 bf ~ bf2 | <bf,, f'>8 bf16 bf bf f' bf8 ~ bf bf,16 bf bf d ef f | <bf, gf'>4 <bf f'>16 gf' <bf, f'>8 <af ef'>8 af16 af af ef' af8 | <bf, f'> d'16( ef) d8 ef,16 f gf f ef d bf4 | <ef bf' ef>4. ef16 ef <ef bf' f'>4 <ef bf' d> | <bf f'>8 bf16 bf bf f' bf8 ~ bf bf,16 bf bf d ef f | g8\glissando( d) bf a ~ a a16 a cs'16( d) cs8 | d2 c4 d | \key e \minor \repeat unfold 8 r1 | <f, a b e>1\arpeggio | \arpeggioArrowDown <e, b' fs' gs b e>4.\arpeggio \arpeggioNormal e16 b' fs' gs b e b gs fs b, | <e, c' e a b e>4\arpeggio ~ q16 e''16 b a e8 c'16 b a g fs d | <e, e' b' e b e>1\arpeggio\fermata \bar "|." | } vocalMelody = \relative c' { \repeat unfold 4 r1 | \repeat volta 2 { r4 e fs gs | a4. b16 a ~ a2 | r4 gs a b | c4. d16 c ~ c4 b8 a16 gs ~ | gs4 e fs gs | a4. b16 a16 ~ a4 ~ a16 a b8 | cs4. b8 ~ b4 r4 | d4. c8 ~ c4. b8 ~ | b4 r4 r2 | r2 r4 b16 ds8. | % chorus \key e \minor <\tweak font-size #-2 b e>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 a fs'>8 ~ q4 r8 <\tweak font-size #-2 a d>16 q | <\tweak font-size #-2 g d'>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 a cs>8 ~ q4. a16 b ~ | b2 r2 | r1 | } <\tweak font-size #-2 a e'>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 a d>8 ~ q4 r16 d d d | <\tweak font-size #-2 g, d'>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 a c>8 ~ q8 a a a | <\tweak font-size #-2 e b'>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 fs a>8 ~ q4 r | <b \tweak font-size #-2 g'>8. q16 ~ q8 <cs \tweak font-size #-2 a'>8( ~ q4. <ds \tweak font-size #-2 fs>8 ~ | q2 ~ q8) r8 r4 | \repeat unfold 4 r1 | \key ef \major r8 ef ef ef f( d) d bf ~ | bf2 r8 bf bf c | <df \tweak font-size #-2 gf> q4 <c \tweak font-size #-2 ef>8 ~ q q4 <bf \tweak font-size #-2 f'>8 ~ | q2 r2 | r8 <ef \tweak font-size #-2 g> q q <f \tweak font-size #-2 af>( <d \tweak font-size #-2 f>) <d \tweak font-size #-2 f> <bf \tweak font-size #-2 d> ~ | q2 r8 bf bf c | <\tweak font-size #-2 bf d>4.( <\tweak font-size #-2 a cs>8 ~ q4 ~ q16 <\tweak font-size #-2 b d> <\tweak font-size #-2 cs e>8 | <\tweak font-size #-2 d f>4) r8 <\tweak font-size #-2 f, f'> <\tweak font-size #-2 g e'>4 <\tweak font-size #-2 a d> | \key e \minor <\tweak font-size #-2 b e>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 a fs'>8 ~ q4 r8 <\tweak font-size #-2 a d>16 q | <\tweak font-size #-2 g d'>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 a cs>8 ~ q4. a16 b ~ | b1 | s2 s4 b8 b | <\tweak font-size #-2 b e>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 a fs'>8 ~ q4 r8 <\tweak font-size #-2 a d>16 q | <\tweak font-size #-2 g d'>4. <\tweak font-size #-2 a cs>8 ~ q4. a16 b ~ | b1 | s1 | <c e ~ a>( \bar "||" | <b e b'>) | r1 | r1 | } firstVerseLyrics = \lyricmode { The si -- lence fades a -- way. __ I can't hear an -- y -- thing __ but the sound __ of all the years gone by. __ But I'm so close, __ al -- most __ there. So I reach out, __ for the last time __ a -- gain. } secondVerseLyrics = \lyricmode { The mo -- ment slips a -- way. __ Think -- ing of ev -- 'ry thing __ that re -- mains __ of all the wast -- ed time. __ But I'm wait -- ing, __ fad -- ing __ out. __ So I reach out, __ for the last time __ a -- gain. } restOfTheLyrics = \lyricmode { Reach out, __ and try to hold on, __ un -- til the si -- lence __ breaks you __ down. __ % bridge Un -- til the end __ of time, __ our sto -- ry waits for our __ re -- ply. __ And when our time __ runs out, __ all we can do __ is try and reach out __ for the last time __ a -- gain. So I'll reach out __ for the last time __ a -- gain. __ Ah. __ } vocalMelodySecondary = \relative c'' { \repeat unfold 4 s1 | \repeat volta 2 { \repeat unfold 14 s1 | } \repeat unfold 5 s1 | % guitar solo \repeat unfold 4 s1 | % bridge \repeat unfold 8 s1 | % final chorus \stemUp \tiny s1 | s1 | e4. fs8 ~ fs2 | g4. a8( ~ a2 | b1) | s1 | e,4. fs8 ~ fs4 fs8 fs | g4. a8 ~ a2 | s1 | s1 | } vocalTwoLyrics = \lyricmode { Reach out. __ Hold on. __ Reach out __ for the si -- lence. __ } chordExceptionMusic = { <c e g b d'>1-\markup { "maj9" } <c e g b fs'>1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" } <c ef f g bf>1-\markup { "m7sus4" } <c ef gf bff>1-\markup { "dim7" } <c e g d'>1-\markup { "add9" } <c ef g d'>1-\markup { "m(add9)" } <c e fs as>1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } } <c g>1-\markup { "5" } <c e g b>1-\markup { "maj7" } <c f g>1-\markup { "sus4" } <c d g>1-\markup { "sus2" } } chordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions ) chordValues = \chordmode { e1: | a:1.3-.5.9 | e | d2: a:m11/g | \repeat volta 2 { % verse e1 | a | e | a:1.3-.5.9 | e | f4.:maj7/e q16 f:maj7 q2 | g4.:sus4 g8 ~ g2 | c4.:sus4 c8 ~ c2 | a1:sus2 | b4.. f16:1.3.4+.6+ ~ q2 | % chorus e4.:m d8:/fs ~ q2 | g4. a8 ~ a2 | e4.:m fs8:1.5 ~ q2 | g4. f8 ~ f4 g:1.5 | } a4.:m g8:/b ~ q2 | c4. d8 ~ d2 | e4.:m d8:/fs ~ q2 | g4. a8 ~ a4. b8 ~ | b1 | % guitar solo e1 | a:1.3-.5.9 | d4.. a16 ~ a2 | e2 g4 a | % bridge ef1 | bf1 | gf2:/bf af | bf1 | ef1 | bf1 | g4.:m a8 ~ a2 | bf2 c4 g | % last chorus \repeat unfold 2 { e4.:m d8:/fs ~ q2 | g4. a8 ~ a2 | e4.:m fs8:1.5 ~ q2 | g4. f8 ~ f4 g:1.5 | } a1:sus2/f | e1: | a:1.3-.5.9 | e:1.5 | } guitarOneStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (steel)" }{ \global \guitarOne } vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" } { << \new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody } \new Voice = "vocalMelody2" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelodySecondary } >> } demLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" { << \new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "vocalMelody" \firstVerseLyrics } \new Lyrics { \set associatedVoice = "vocalMelody" \secondVerseLyrics } >> \restOfTheLyrics } demOtherLyrics = \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody2" { \new Lyrics { \vocalTwoLyrics } } chordNames = \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions \chordValues } \score { << \chordNames \vox \demLyrics \demOtherLyrics \guitarOneStaff >> \layout { \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves \override Glissando.minimum-length = #4 \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods \override Glissando.thickness = #2 \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t } } } \score { \unfoldRepeats { << \vox \guitarOneStaff >> } \midi {} }