\version "2.22.1" \language "english" #(set-global-staff-size 18) \header { title = "Main Theme" subtitle = "from the game \"Die in the Dungeon\"" composer = "Adrián González" arranger = "transcribed by Tommy Montgomery (https://tmont.com)" tagline = "" } \paper { % system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0.1) (padding . 4)) } global = { \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \numericTimeSignature \compressEmptyMeasures \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3 \override Score.ChordName.font-name = #"Noto Serif" \override Score.ChordName.font-size = #0 \override Score.LyricText.font-name = #"Noto Serif" \override Score.LyricText.font-size = #0 \tempo 4 = 130 \key c \major } main = \relative c' { \time 4/4 \global b16^"harpsichord" d f4. g,16 b e4. | b16 d f4. c16 a f4. | e''8.^"guitar" fs16 ds8. e16 f8. e16 d8 e16 d | e8. fs16 ds8. e16 f8. e16 d8 c16 d | e8.^"sine wave" fs16 ds8. e16 fs8 gs as bs | b,,!16^"harpsichord" d! f!4. g,!16 b! e4. | b16 d f4. c16 a f4. | gs'8.^"marimba" fs16 ~ fs8 e8 ~ e es16 fs es8 fs16 es | << { gs8. fs16 ~ fs8 e!8 ~ e fs?16 gs g8. g16 | } \\ { b,16_"harpsichord" d f!4. c16 a f!4. | } >> gs'8. fs16 ~ fs8 e8 ~ e fs16 g a8 b | e,16^"xylophone" g8 b16 ~ b4 \tuplet 3/2 { f!16 d b } g4. | b16^"harpsichord" d f4. g,16 b e4. | << { e'8.^"sine wave" fs16 ds8. e16 f8. e16 d8 c16 d | } \\ { b,16 d f?4. c16 a f4. | } >> << { \xNotesOn e''8.^"noise" fs16 ds8. e16 fs8 gs as bs \xNotesOff | } \\ { b,,16 d f?4. g,16 b e4. | } >> b!16 d! f!4. c16 a! f!4. | e'16^"xylophone" g8 b16 ~ b4 \tuplet 3/2 { f16 d b } g4. | bs'8^"harpsichord" as gs fs ds8. cs16 b!4 | e8 fs gs fs ef8. f16 g4 | \xNotesOn e'!8.^"noise" fs16 ds8. e16 fs8 gs as bs \xNotesOff | b,,!16^"harpsichord" d! f!4. g,!16 b e4. | e16^"xylophone" g8 b16 ~ b4 \tuplet 3/2 { f16 d b } g4. | \bar "|." } drumBeatA = \drummode { <bd sn>4 sn <bd sn> sn | } drumBeatB = \drummode { <bd sn>4 sn <bd sn> sn8 bd | } drumkit = \drummode { \global \repeat unfold 3 { \drumBeatA \drumBeatB } R1 | \drumBeatB | \drumBeatA \drumBeatB | \drumBeatB \drumBeatA R1 | sn8. sn16 sn8. sn16 sn8 sn sn sn | \drumBeatA <bd sn>4 sn <bd sn>4 q | \drumBeatB | \drumBeatA | sn8. sn16 sn8. sn16 sn8 sn sn sn | \drumBeatA | R1 | } mainStaff = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Melody" } \main drumStaff = \new DrumStaff \with { instrumentName = "Drums" } \drumkit \score { << \mainStaff \drumStaff >> \layout { % indent = #0 \context { % \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves % \override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods % \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t } } }