
229 lines
6.6 KiB

\version "2.22.1"
\language "english"
\header {
title = "Fair-weather Friend"
composer = "Tommy Montgomery"
copyright = "(c) 2022 Tommy Montgomery"
global = {
\key d \dorian
\set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
\omit Voice.StringNumber
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #3
\override Score.ChordName.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
\override Score.ChordName.font-size = #0
\override Score.LyricText.font-name = #"Noto Serif"
\override Score.LyricText.font-size = #0
\time 5/4
guitar = \relative c' {
\tempo 4 = 120
\partial 8 a16( c) |
\repeat unfold 3 {
d4 <a d a' d>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> a16( c) |
d4 <a d a' d>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> c16 g |
\repeat unfold 2 {
a4 <a e' a cs>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> c!16 g |
a4 <a e' a cs>8-> q16 q q8 \xNotesOn q16 \xNotesOff <a f' bf d> ~ q \xNotesOn q \xNotesOff <a g' c e>8 ~ q4 ~ |
q4. \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff <g' c d>( b) <g b d> q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff <g c d>( b) <g b d> q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff |
R1*5/4*6^"some kind of lead" |
a,4 <a e' a cs>8-> q16 q q8 \xNotesOn q16 \xNotesOff <a f' bf d> ~ q \xNotesOn q \xNotesOff <a g' c e>8 \xNotesOn q16 \xNotesOff <a a' c f>8 \xNotesOn q16 \xNotesOff |
<a bf' d g>4. \xNotesOn q16 q16 \xNotesOff <a g' g e' e> q q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff <a g' g e' e> q q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff |
\bar "||"
\repeat unfold 2 {
d4 <a d a' d>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> a16( c) |
d4 <a d a' d>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> c16( a) |
f4-> <f c' f a>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff <c' g'c e>8-> ~ q q4-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff |
\alternative {
{ d4 <a d a' d>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> a16( c) | }
{ d4 <a d a' d>8-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff <g' c d>( b) <g b d> q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff <g c d>( b) <g b d> q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff }
% chorus
\repeat unfold 3 {
<a, e' a cs>4-> q8 \xNotesOn q16 q q q \xNotesOff <a f' bf d>8->
\xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff <a e' a cs>8-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff <a d g b>8-> |
f'8 a d a e' d a f e d |
<d bf' d e>4.\arpeggio <d c' e e>8-> r <a e' a cs>-> \tuplet 6/4 4 { a16( c! d) d( f g) g( f d) d( c a) } |
\bar "||"
R1*5/4*8^"intro riff" |
\bar "||"
\repeat unfold 2 {
d'16( d,) d c'( d,) d b'( d,) d c'( d,) d b'( d,) g( d)
a'( d,) d b'( d,) d c'( d,) d b'( d,) d a'( d,) g( d)
a'( d,) d d( e a,) c( a) |
f8. c'16 ~ c8 f g8. e16 ~ e8 c a c |
\alternative {
{ d4 <a d a' d>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff | }
{ d4 <a d a' d>8-> q16 q \xNotesOn q8 \xNotesOff q-> ~ q q4-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff | }
\repeat unfold 2 {
<a bf' d g>8.-> q16 \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff <a a' d fs>8-> ~ q16 q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff
\repeat unfold 2 { q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff } |
\repeat unfold 2 {
<a a' d f!>8.-> q16 \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff <a a' cs e>8-> ~ q16 q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff
\repeat unfold 2 { q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff } |
\repeat unfold 2 {
<a g' c d>8.-> q16 \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff <a g' b d>8-> ~ q16 q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff
\repeat unfold 2 { q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff } |
<a g' a d>8.-> q16 \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff <a fs' a d>8-> ~ q16 q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff
\repeat unfold 2 { q q \xNotesOn q q \xNotesOff } |
<a f'! bf d>4-> q8-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff <f' bf d>16\glissando( <g c e>) q8 q-> \xNotesOn q16 q \xNotesOff
\tuplet 3/2 { e'16( f! \set stemRightBeamCount = #1 e) } \set stemLeftBeamCount = #1 d( c) |
R1*5/4*8^"chorus riff" |
vocalMelody = \relative c' {
\partial 8 r8 |
R1*5/4*16 |
% verse 1
r4^"verse" r8 d d f4 a8 ~ a4 | a8 g4 g8 g( fs) fs4 r4 |
r8 a, f'! f ~ f e4( d8) c d ~ | d2 r2 r4 |
r4 r8 d d f4 a8 ~ a4 | a8 g4 g8 g( fs) fs4 r4 |
r8 a, f'! f ~ f e4( d8) c d ~ | d2 r2 r8 a'8 |
% chorus
a4. cs8 ~ cs4 e4 ~ e |
f4 f8 e ~ e d e4 ~ e8 r8 |
cs4. e8 ~ e4 g4 ~ g8 g8 |
g8 g f4 ~ f8 e4. d4 |
e2. r4 r4 |
R1*5/4*8 |
% verse 2
r4^"verse" r8 d, d f4 a8 ~ a4 | a8 g4 g8 g( fs) fs4 r4 |
r8 a, f'! f ~ f e4( d8) c d ~ | d2 r2 r4 |
r4 r4 d8 f4 a8 ~ a4 | a8 g4 g8 g( fs) fs4 r4 |
r8 a, f'! f ~ f e4( d8) c d ~ | d2 r2 r8 a'8 |
allTheLyrics = \lyricmode {
I washed my hands __ in ho -- ly wa -- ter
but I still __ seem __ to bleed. __
I sent my mo -- ney to your temp -- le
but I still __ feel __ your greed. __
But now I __ see __
what it means __ to be __
all a -- lone __
with just a fair weath -- ered friend.
I lift my eyes __ and beg for mer -- cy
but I'm too __ blind __ to see __
all the things __ you hold a -- gainst __ me
and what might __ set __ me free. __
guitarStaff = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "distorted guitar" midiMaximumVolume = #0.6 } {
vox = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "voice oohs" midiMinimumVolume = #0.7 } {
\new Voice = "vocalMelody" { \clef treble \global \vocalMelody }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocalMelody" {
chordExceptionMusic = {
<c e g b d'>1-\markup { "maj9" }
<c e g b fs'>1-\markup { "maj7" \sharp "11" }
<c ef f g bf>1-\markup { "m7sus4" }
<c ef gf bff>1-\markup { "°7" }
<c ef gf bf>1-\markup { \super { "ø7" } }
<c e g d'>1-\markup { "add9" }
<c ef g d'>1-\markup { "m(add9)" }
<c e fs as>1-\markup { \super { \sharp "11" \sharp "13" } }
<c g>1-\markup { "5" }
<c e g bf>1-\markup { "7" }
<c e g b>1-\markup { "maj7" }
<c ef g bf>1-\markup { "m7" }
<c f g>1-\markup { "sus4" }
<c d g>1-\markup { "sus2" }
<c e g bf df'>1-\markup { "7" \super { \flat "9" } }
<c e g f'>1-\markup { "add11" }
chordExceptions = #(append
(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chordExceptionMusic #t)
chordValues = \chordmode {
\set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
\set majorSevenSymbol = \markup "maj7"
chordNames = \new ChordNames {
\set chordChanges = ##t
\set chordNameExceptions = #chordExceptions
\score {
\layout {
\context {
\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
\override Glissando.minimum-length = #4
\override Glissando.springs-and-rods = #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
\override Glissando.thickness = #2
\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
\score {
\unfoldRepeats {
% \vox
\midi {}