18869 lines
445 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Untitled Song</name>
<notes>Empty song.</notes>
<license>Unknown license</license>
<name>Kick 1</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Kick 2</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Snare med</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Snare soft</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Snare main</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Snare Rim</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>tom low</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>tom med low</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>tom med</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>tom med hi</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>tom hi</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>hh - open2</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>HH - open</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>HH Closed</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>HH Foot</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>HH Foot Release</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>HH Half-Open</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>China 16</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>China 17</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Crash 18</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Crash 18 HHX</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Crash 19</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Ride Bell</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Ride Bow</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Splash 10</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>Splash 10 ZXT</name>
<drumkit>tmont - metal kit</drumkit>
<name>drum fill intro</name>
<name>intro beat 1</name>
<name>intro beat 2 accent</name>
<name>intro beat bar 4</name>
<name>intro beat bar 4 2nd</name>
<name>e riff beat 1</name>
<name>e riff beat trill</name>
<name>e riff beat bar 4</name>
<name>e riff beat bar 4 2nd</name>
<name>a->g beat 1</name>
<name>a->g fill</name>
<name>e5 -> b beat</name>
<name>b -> a -> g# beat</name>
<name>b -> a -> g# beat 2 in</name>
<name>b -> a -> g# beat 2</name>
<name>cmaj7 -> d end of intro</name>
<name>verse beat</name>
<name>verse 1 fill 1</name>
<name>verse 2 fill 1</name>
<name>verse fill 2</name>
<name>verse 2 fill 2</name>
<name>pre-chorus beat 1</name>
<name>pre-chorus beat last 8</name>
<name>chorus beat "built"</name>
<name>chorus post "built" 2 bars</name>
<name>chorus "falls" 2 bars</name>
<name>chorus last 4</name>
<name>bridge beat 1</name>
<name>bridge fill 1</name>
<name>post bridge beat</name>
<name>post bridge beat 2 (Bb->c)</name>
<name>solo beat 1</name>
<name>solo beat 2</name>
<name>solo beat 3</name>
<name>string interlude in</name>
<name>string interlude main</name>
<name>string interlude out</name>
<name>a->g->dm->e beat 1</name>
<name>a->g->dm->e beat 2</name>
<name>a->g->dm->e beat 2 (outro)</name>
<name>crash on 1</name>
<patternID>drum fill intro</patternID>
<patternID>intro beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>intro beat 2 accent</patternID>
<patternID>intro beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>intro beat bar 4</patternID>
<patternID>intro beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>intro beat 2 accent</patternID>
<patternID>intro beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>intro beat bar 4 2nd</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat trill</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat bar 4</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat trill</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat bar 4 2nd</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g fill</patternID>
<patternID>e5 -> b beat</patternID>
<patternID>b -> a -> g# beat</patternID>
<patternID>b -> a -> g# beat</patternID>
<patternID>b -> a -> g# beat</patternID>
<patternID>b -> a -> g# beat</patternID>
<patternID>b -> a -> g# beat 2 in</patternID>
<patternID>b -> a -> g# beat 2</patternID>
<patternID>b -> a -> g# beat 2</patternID>
<patternID>b -> a -> g# beat 2</patternID>
<patternID>cmaj7 -> d end of intro</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse 1 fill 1</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse fill 2</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat last 8</patternID>
<patternID>chorus beat "built"</patternID>
<patternID>chorus post "built" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus beat "built"</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>chorus post "built" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus "falls" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus "falls" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus last 4</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat trill</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat bar 4</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat trill</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat bar 4 2nd</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse 2 fill 1</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse 2 fill 2</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse 2 fill 1</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse beat</patternID>
<patternID>verse 2 fill 2</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge fill 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge fill 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge fill 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>bridge fill 1</patternID>
<patternID>post bridge beat</patternID>
<patternID>post bridge beat 2 (Bb->c)</patternID>
<patternID>chorus beat "built"</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>chorus post "built" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus beat "built"</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>chorus post "built" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus "falls" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus "falls" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus last 4</patternID>
<patternID>solo beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>solo beat 2</patternID>
<patternID>solo beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>solo beat 3</patternID>
<patternID>string interlude in</patternID>
<patternID>string interlude main</patternID>
<patternID>string interlude main</patternID>
<patternID>string interlude main</patternID>
<patternID>string interlude main</patternID>
<patternID>string interlude main</patternID>
<patternID>string interlude main</patternID>
<patternID>string interlude out</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 2</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>pre-chorus beat last 8</patternID>
<patternID>chorus beat "built"</patternID>
<patternID>chorus post "built" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus beat "built"</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>chorus post "built" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus "falls" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus "falls" 2 bars</patternID>
<patternID>chorus last 4</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat trill</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat bar 4</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat trill</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>e riff beat bar 4 2nd</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>crash on 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 1</patternID>
<patternID>a->g->dm->e beat 2 (outro)</patternID>
<name>no plugin</name>
<name>no plugin</name>
<name>no plugin</name>
<name>no plugin</name>