Portoa.Web If the result implements , then the HTTP status code on the Response will be set according to the value of Signifies that this controller can handle errors that aren't handled by application code Executed when an unknown error occurs Executed when a page is not found Executed when the user is forbidden from seeing the requested page Model binder that uses an IUnityContainer to resolve the model binder designated by which will do the actual model binding The model binder to resolve The container to use to resolve the model binder Model binder that uses a service provider to resolve the model binder designated by which will do the actual model binding The model binder to resolve The service provider to use to resolve the model binder Creates a submit button with the specified button text, input name and HTML attributes The text to display on the submit button The name of the input Anonymous object with HTML attribute values Creates a label with the specified text for the specified reference tag The text/HTML to display inside the label The reference ID of the labeled node (e.g. the value of the "for" attribute) The HTML attributes Creates a button with the specified display text and the specified custom HTML attributes The text that the button will display Any additional HTML attributes for the input tag Creates a button with the specified display text and the specified custom HTML attributes The text that the button will display Any additional HTML attributes for the input tag Service for authenticating users Logs in the specified user with the specified username Logs out the currently logged in user Determines if a user identified by the given username and password is a valid user in the system Adapted from http://eliasbland.wordpress.com/2009/08/08/enumeration-model-binder-for-asp-net-mvc/ Represents a view for when an error occurs Enables action results to override the HTTP status code Gets or sets the new HTTP status code for the result Sets the HTTP status code on the response object before calling base.ExecuteResult() Gets or sets the error message Gets or sets the error that occurred Gets or sets the delegate to create the error model. By default it creates an instance of ErrorModel. Handles global application-wide errors that don't get caught by normal means The system's logger The current HttpContext Handles global application errors by invoking the specified error controller The exception that caused the error The controller to use handle errors Binds an enumeration annotated with the FlagsAttribute Adapted from http://blog.nathan-taylor.net/2010/06/aspnet-mvc-flags-enumeration-model.html Represents an object that can create error results Creates an ActionResult for error actions The status code for the result Represents a simple, consistent object to use for AJAX responses Gets or sets the error message that occurred. If null, it's assumed that no error occurred. Gets or sets any extra data the client may be expecting. This value should not be null. Configures interception to occur for any subsequent container registrations that are not part of NHibernate Flattens a FilterInfo object into a single IEnumerable containing the ActionFilter, ExceptionFilter, ResultFilter and AuthorizationFilter collections Provides an interface for identifying the current user The user type Returns the user currently performing actions on the site, or null if the user cannot be identified This class exists to get rid of the SessionState and TempData error. Just google it. Don't use this method, it's only here to prevent you from using it. Maps the type to the binder type . Maps the type to the binder type using the to resolve the binder Maps the type to the binder type using the to resolve the binder Logs all interceptable method calls via the Indicates that an object needs to be built up by the container Exposes an interface to configure log4net Sets the name of the logger to retrieve Name of the logger to use Uses the XmlConfigurator to configure log4net Optional filename to watch, otherwise it uses the default Configures the application to use log4net Provides an interface for interacting with session data Gets or sets an item from the backing store The key of the item to retrieve The value stored in the specified key, or null if no such key exists Extension methods for UnityContainer Adds an extension if it hasn't already been registered with the container Determines whether any of the given types are registered in the container Determines if all of the given types are registered in the container Error result factory that returns a result suitable for HTML views strongly typed to ErrorModel<T> The user type The currently logged in user Error result factory that returns a result suitable for HTML views strongly typed to ErrorModel Session store that uses the current HttpContext Controller for handling and displaying errors that aren't handled by application code The factory to use to create the action results Call handler that wraps a method call in a unit of work Enables you to dynamically add filters to a ControllerActionInvoker. This class will also perform injection on all filters that are annotated with NeedsBuildUpAttribute. Adapted from http://blog.ploeh.dk/2009/12/01/GlobalErrorHandlingInASPNETMVC.aspx Overridden to add the new filters to the default filters Performs automatic logging on method calls (but respects ) Truncates a string to 150 characters in a pretty way, if necessary Generic model for displaying errors where the currently logged in user is needed The user type Generic model for displaying errors Gets or sets the exception that occurred The currently logged in user, or null if no one is logged in Gets all model state errors as a line feed-delimited string Creates a JSON response if an error occurred, appending all errors to the response object The error message to display to the user, this value cannot be null Creates a JSON response from an Exception Creates a JSON response object The error message to display to the user (null if no error occurred) Any extra data that needs to be passed to the client Sets up the temporary data provider so that it won't barf with Session errors Gets a value from the request and casts it to the specified type Gets a value from the request Adds an error to the model state Uses an IUnityContainer to create controllers Base for an MVC application using Unity/NHibernate The user type The container associated with this application Handles uncaught application exceptions; default implementation uses and to display errors The uncaught exception Override to perform any extra startup tasks; default implementation does nothing Override to configure the model binders for the application; default implementation does nothing Creates the configuration used for NHibernate; default implementation uses the default NHibernate configuration, and sets a custom interceptor. The configuration can be retrieved outside of this method (if needed) via the container. Do not call this method directly. Registers any routes for the application; default implementation registers nothing Registers any applicable areas; default implementations calls AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas() Configures the controller factory; default implementation uses Unity to resolve each controller with a custom action invoker Performs any application-specific configuration for Unity; default implementation does nothing IControllerFactory that provides a mechanism to perform injection on the controller after it is instantiated Event that fires after a controller is instantiated Service provider that uses an IUnityContainer to instantiate and locate services Gets the MethodInfo associated with the actual object instance in a CallHandler's method invocation LINQifies an annoying IParameterCollection Reads the app config and applies the Unity configuration, if applicable Model for displaying a paging menu The model used for displaying the paged data Model for displaying data that should be paged Gets or sets the current page number (starting from 1) Gets the starting point of the current page Gets the actual ending point of the current page Gets the theoretical ending point of the current page Gets the total number of pages in the set Gets or sets the total number of records Gets the page size Gets whether or not a previous page is possible Gets whether or not a next page is possible Gets or sets filtered record set; Count() should be less than or equal to the page size Strongly-typed model for displaying data that is paged The type of data to be paged Controller factory that uses a service provider to resolve controllers ActionResult decorator that enables you to override the HTTP status code Gets an object from the request variables, or its default value if the key does not exist The type to convert the value to The request key of the object to retrieve